forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I have a question? Is a person ever too young to know their seuality? because I found out when I was 9

I don't think so because you are born with your sexualty you don't just chose to be it one day out of nowhere


I have a question? Is a person ever too young to know their seuality? because I found out when I was 9

I don't think so because you are born with your sexualty you don't just chose to be it one day out of nowhere

Thank you!

Deleted user

I thought I was get until I found out about lgbt. I even thought I had crushes on a few guys, but once I had a real crush I think i realized it wasn’t the real deal. Idk


I have a question? Is a person ever too young to know their seuality? because I found out when I was 9

I don't think so because you are born with your sexualty you don't just chose to be it one day out of nowhere

you arent born with your sexuality like damn I thought I was straight for years


I should've known I was gay/bi/not straight very early bc I had huge crushes on girls before and bc I'm an idiot I thought it was just me really really really wanting to be their friend bc I thought wanting to kiss girls wasn't a gay thing for some reason
I finally came to some sort of conclusion at 14 but I'm still figuring it out lmao

@Moxie group

In middle school I was kinda sad that I was straight cause straight felt boring to me and I didn’t want to be boring (fucked up, I know) and then when I realized I was bi I was like am I actually bi or do I just not want to be straight??

But yeah no I’m very bi


In middle school I was kinda sad that I was straight cause straight felt boring to me and I didn’t want to be boring (fucked up, I know) and then when I realized I was bi I was like am I actually bi or do I just not want to be straight??

But yeah no I’m very bi