forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Pumpkin is a great name. HEY! NEW FUN GAME! Give each other a name.

Good idea!

@HighPockets group

I realized this since I was playing a game with the parents (since everyone else there was like half my age) that was about court trials and law and one of them made a dirty joke and I snort laughed ginger ale out of my nose, and then tried to cover it up with a cough.


On New Year's Eve I realized that for being asexual my sense of humor is pretty dirty….

my sense of humor has been dirty since I was 11 but I blame that on my fifth grade friend


im reallly struggling
im thinking about my future, which never ends up well, but anyway. im thinking bout what might happen to me later in life when all my friends start getting married and having kids……… great idea right….. yeah, no (im in college to give some perspective on how far ahead im looking).

since im Asexual and Aromantic, idk if im gonna ever date anyone. Idk if ill ever be in a relationship because it somehow feels like im lying to the other person because they will assume i find them attractive sexually, and idk if I ever want to get married because of all the stuff surrounding the idea of marriage, but my family is Christian and Im not planning on coming out and I dont want to be alone forever, I still want a lifelong friend/ life partner/ something, and thinking about it I realise that the reality is that i probably wont ever have that because most people are sexual and im not and even if I found someone my family would not approve of it and its making me sad but I cant stop thinking about it.

@Kanaroli group

I know this is probably something you don't want to here but, everything will work out sooner or later. You probably don't believe me but at least try.


i know, i just need to stop thinking about it and live my life….. curse my ADHD and tired brain.
I know it will work out, and thankfully I dont often think that far into my future, but I was writing out a list of goals and dreams (like publishing a novel and owning a house) and it just came up and…. I feel so concerned. maybe this was why I never used to think about the future or plan stuff or make long term goals….. it just stresses me the heck out
sorry im kinda ranting to you about this, i dont need to burden you with all of this, i just kinda want to know im not going crazy lol


There are people who are aroace and are looking for really close friends. There's a specific word for when you have a non romantic, non sexual partner, but you're like… closer than best friends? I forgot what it's called but it exists (and honestly, I wish I could have somebody like that. Somebody who I could live with and cuddle with and hug but not feel pressured sexually or romantically).
As for your family disapproving, this sounds bad but if you found a non romantic non sexual partner, you could always just… lie… and tell them that they're a regular partner, and if they get suspicious because they never see you holding hands or kissing or whatever, just say you don't like PDA.


OH! Thats what that is! Ive seen the abbreviation QPR before and just never got around to googling it! That's really cool! Thank you for telling me about that term, it's nice to know im not the only one.

@ResearchingWriter group

Hey, I'm Iria, panromantic with a preference for girls. I don't really know a lot of nonbinary and genderfluid people, so I don't know if I can really call myself a panromantic.


well, nonbinary and agender are sort of fluid terms in my experience. I call myself nb mainly because I just don't feel I have a gender, but it's different from person to person

anyways, nyello, I'm octane the local idiot surfer dudebro, you need a meme dealer I'm your meme wheeler