forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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it's a hate group against autism. I only found out what it really was a few years ago, but basically it's a group who believe autism is a disease and they market themselves as the good guys when in reality they do some awful things to try and "cure" people's autism

@HighPockets group

it's a hate group against autism. I only found out what it really was a few years ago, but basically it's a group who believe autism is a disease and they market themselves as the good guys when in reality they do some awful things to try and "cure" people's autism

Oof. I say 'fuck them' and y'all know I don't swear much.


I learned about it from an old friend, but it's pretty bad. their work is some conversion therapy level misguided bullshit, and I get triggered just seeing their logo

@HighPockets group

I learned about it from an old friend, but it's pretty bad. their work is some conversion therapy level misguided bullshit, and I get triggered just seeing their logo

………………..would you like to help me commit some murders??
I kid. I don't want to dirty my hands with blood that foul.


pfft please I'm always down for murder

but honestly the amount of illogical intolerance in the world baffles me at this point. I don't understand how you could hate someone enough to try and "cure" their existence, and it makes me angry that this is something still allowed

@HighPockets group

pfft please I'm always down for murder

but honestly the amount of illogical intolerance in the world baffles me at this point. I don't understand how you could hate someone enough to try and "cure" their existence, and it makes me angry that this is something still allowed

Agreed. Let's kill some assholes!!!

@HighPockets group

I'll "cure" their existences by ending them…
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I became a contract killer… mercenary perhaps…

Is… it bad that I've spent time considering becoming a mercenary?


Yup. Also, Salvation Army are absolute bitches too… they kick out trans and gay homeless people or "convert" them by forcing them to beg for food and clothing and make they say they're cis, straight, and happy.

It's disgusting.

Deleted user

it's a hate group against autism. I only found out what it really was a few years ago, but basically it's a group who believe autism is a disease and they market themselves as the good guys when in reality they do some awful things to try and "cure" people's autism

Wtf? I'm autistic, and that's just offensive. I like how I am! Do they wanna fuggin change how I am? Fite me bruh! smol angry fists of doom I'm gonna beat the shit out of them. Who says autism needs a cure? I mean, there's so many brilliant people in this world who are in fact, autistic. In fact, most people who are diagnosed to be on the Aspberger's spectrum (like me) are actually really smart and intuitive. I'm proud of my "condition" and I personally would like to have a few words with these people. They are dismissive of the fact that we are humans, normal humans, even if we aren't the most neurotypical. I mean, I still enjoy the same things as my friends. I like to play video games, read a good book, or hang out at the mall. I do normal things, I'm a normal person, and I'd like people to respect that. In fact, the first time I told a very close friend I'd been friends with for years about that fact that I was on the Aspberger's spectrum, their reaction was, and I kid you not: "Are you kidding?" and when I told them I wasn't they said they'd never have guessed, and were totally chill with it. In fact, the subject never got brought up again. So honestly, I do like to think that it's reasonable enough to say there is absolutely no need for a cure.

K, rant over now.

Deleted user

Yup. Also, Salvation Army are absolute bitches too… they kick out trans and gay homeless people or "convert" them by forcing them to beg for food and clothing and make they say they're cis, straight, and happy.

It's disgusting.

Yes, I'm well aware…. well aware… smol angry fists of doom As a true American, shall I say… someone's 'bout to get liberated. Actually, that's kinda the inside joke between my siblings and I, we say that at any injustice…. yeah, off topic. I agree, SA are complete bitches.


Doesn't Victoria's Secret also discriminate against trans models?


Well… not necessarily. That might be your take on it, but I disagree. If a cure were possible (which I don't think it is) I would support it, only because there are people with autism so severe that it prevents them from functioning on their own, and not all people with autism are smart and intuitive, and some wish they didn't have it. (of course, there are people out there who don't want or need a cure, and that's totally fine)