forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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Well… not necessarily. That might be your take on it, but I disagree. If a cure were possible (which I don't think it is) I would support it, only because there are people with autism so severe that it prevents them from functioning on their own, and not all people with autism are smart and intuitive, and some wish they didn't have it. (of course, there are people out there who don't want or need a cure, and that's totally fine)

I can see your point of view, but I don't entirely agree with it. Nevertheless, I respect you and your opinions. I'm just not big into curing something that isn't a disease, that's all. I won't start a debate, and I respect and care about your views either way.

We cool?


Doesn't Victoria's Secret also discriminate against trans models?

Yup. Not only do they discriminate against trans models, but also androgynous models, plus-size models, and POC models.

The producer of VS basically doesn't think representation matters and that he can still make money by using his "perfect image" models.


Well… not necessarily. That might be your take on it, but I disagree. If a cure were possible (which I don't think it is) I would support it, only because there are people with autism so severe that it prevents them from functioning on their own, and not all people with autism are smart and intuitive, and some wish they didn't have it. (of course, there are people out there who don't want or need a cure, and that's totally fine)

I can see your point of view, but I don't entirely agree with it. Nevertheless, I respect you and your opinions. I'm just not big into curing something that isn't a disease, that's all. I won't start a debate, and I respect and care about your views either way.

We cool?

Yeah, I wasn't trying to disrespect you or anything. I just wanted to point out that there are some people who might want to be fixed, but I can respect that not everyone sees it that way. We're cool lol.


I agree, I would support a way to help people who have autism that causes them to be unable to function, but my problem is with people wanting to "cure" something that doesn't need to be cured. and I've got some words with salvation army, as well as several groups meant for aiding veterans that do anything but. my grandpa is a veteran and I believe I have two family members recently retired from the military, and in my grandpa's case he's frequently denied aid even just because he fought on the losing side of the war with the Vietnamese


if I could punch concepts I'd be fucking one punch man from all the xp I'd get

also I would like to share that the band Five Finger Death Punch actually runs all kinds of charity concert events for things such as children's hospitals, and they 1000% support veterans and have made several songs to raise awareness for things such as the amount of homeless veterans and just how fucked most of america's systems are


I recently saw them in concert, where they and Breaking Benjamin were doing a charity tour to support the shriner's children hospitals

I also almost won a guitar signed by both bands and am still salty about being one number off but that's not important


it was really good! I managed to get some quality time in with my dad, and we got to walk around and explore and stuff since we were in sacramento for three days for the concert. it was pretty lit, there were mosh pits and walls of death and people drunk off their asses, it was great lol. the lineup was ashes to new, bad wolves, breaking benjamin, and five finger death punch


wow, I started a rant and then disappeared to do angry research about asexuality and psychology, my findings were suprisingly cheerful but all the research came from just one guy who im secretly hoping is a fellow asexual and he's done a lot of valid psychological research proving or at least supporting the value of using asexuality as a label and of asexuality's existence!!

on another note the last meeting of Haven (my school's GSA) is tonight but its at the same time as when my 'assigned friend group' (we were given a group of people as freshman that we are a part of to help us make friends and know people) anyway its our last meeting of the semester as well and they wanna go out for yougurtland but I wanna go to Haven and its at the same time and IDK what to do you guys please help me!!!!


yep. I also can say I have guitar picks from both Tulsa and Sacramento now (my collection is small since I only just started playing but it'll grow…eventually)


I'm trying my best lol. I sorta suck still because I haven't practiced much but I finally can play the intro to My Smile is Extinct by Kane Strang (it's modified, but it still works)


yep. I also can say I have guitar picks from both Tulsa and Sacramento now (my collection is small since I only just started playing but it'll grow…eventually)

That's also really cool… I used to be able to play guitar… I'm useless at it now…


I'm trying my best lol. I sorta suck still because I haven't practiced much but I finally can play the intro to My Smile is Extinct by Kane Strang (it's modified, but it still works)

heyyyy I listened to that song like ten times today lol