forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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my corkboard of pictures that I had hanging on my wall fell off in the middle of the night and one of the command strips I was using to hang it ripped a good chunk of paint off of the wall and now im just sitting here hoping I wont have to pay for it because I used the recommended materials (command strips) and the board falling off of the wall is in no way MY FAULT and im kinda stressed because I havent been able to focus on writing my essays because ive been stressing over the literal hole in the wall.

@HighPockets group

my corkboard of pictures that I had hanging on my wall fell off in the middle of the night and one of the command strips I was using to hang it ripped a good chunk of paint off of the wall and now im just sitting here hoping I wont have to pay for it because I used the recommended materials (command strips) and the board falling off of the wall is in no way MY FAULT and im kinda stressed because I havent been able to focus on writing my essays because ive been stressing over the literal hole in the wall.

Oof that sucks. Was everything okay?? My corkboard of pins fell and knocked over my fish tank a few nights ago.


my corkboard of pictures that I had hanging on my wall fell off in the middle of the night and one of the command strips I was using to hang it ripped a good chunk of paint off of the wall and now im just sitting here hoping I wont have to pay for it because I used the recommended materials (command strips) and the board falling off of the wall is in no way MY FAULT and im kinda stressed because I havent been able to focus on writing my essays because ive been stressing over the literal hole in the wall.

Oof that sucks. Was everything okay?? My corkboard of pins fell and knocked over my fish tank a few nights ago.

Is that how your fish died? I hope not…

@HighPockets group

if anyone needs help with audition songs I've found I'm pretty good at picking those.

Do you have any suggestions for me? I'm inbetween alto and soprano but I can't sing super low. My current song is 'Shy' from Once Upon A Mattress, and I'm auditioning for Little Red Riding Hood and Jack's Mother for Into The Woods Jr.


nothing is broken other than the wall and thankfully I wasnt sitting in my chair under it when it fell so its all good I just am stressing about having to potentially pay for it and getting in trouble or something even though I already told my parents and stuff

@HighPockets group

my corkboard of pictures that I had hanging on my wall fell off in the middle of the night and one of the command strips I was using to hang it ripped a good chunk of paint off of the wall and now im just sitting here hoping I wont have to pay for it because I used the recommended materials (command strips) and the board falling off of the wall is in no way MY FAULT and im kinda stressed because I havent been able to focus on writing my essays because ive been stressing over the literal hole in the wall.

Oof that sucks. Was everything okay?? My corkboard of pins fell and knocked over my fish tank a few nights ago.

Is that how your fish died? I hope not…

No, she was fine then. My parents heard me start screaming (because it was 1:30 am and the tank was knocked over and my desk was drenched) and came down and my dad scooped her into a cup of water I had. She died naturally I think, but we also put some new stuff in her tank so that might have killed her.

@HighPockets group

It's okay. I'm getting a new fish tonight and I didn't expect her to make it this long anyways so it wasn't super duper sad. She was from my science teacher after we did a lab in class with fish and photosynthesis.


Here's something Lex made… And I want you to know that if any of you guys with dysphoria are experiencing a "guy day" I'm here for you, to help…

@Moxie group

if anyone needs help with audition songs I've found I'm pretty good at picking those.

Do you have any suggestions for me? I'm inbetween alto and soprano but I can't sing super low. My current song is 'Shy' from Once Upon A Mattress, and I'm auditioning for Little Red Riding Hood and Jack's Mother for Into The Woods Jr.

Okay so I was listening to Sweeney Todd cause it's got the same sound and composer as Into the Woods. Idk whats to high for you so I have a few suggestions from this show. I'm thinking maybe Green Finch and Linnet Bird but that was pretty high. Also Wait. Or there's Merrily We Roll Along which is also by the same composer. Like it Was is pretty good from that show. Something by the same composer is usually a good bet. If these don't work and you want other options, just ask!

@HighPockets group

if anyone needs help with audition songs I've found I'm pretty good at picking those.

Do you have any suggestions for me? I'm inbetween alto and soprano but I can't sing super low. My current song is 'Shy' from Once Upon A Mattress, and I'm auditioning for Little Red Riding Hood and Jack's Mother for Into The Woods Jr.

Okay so I was listening to Sweeney Todd cause it's got the same sound and composer as Into the Woods. Idk whats to high for you so I have a few suggestions from this show. I'm thinking maybe Green Finch and Linnet Bird but that was pretty high. Also Wait. Or there's Merrily We Roll Along which is also by the same composer. Like it Was is pretty good from that show. Something by the same composer is usually a good bet. If these don't work and you want other options, just ask!

Thanks!! I don't think my voice teacher has those, so I'll stick to Shy for now, but thanks for the suggestions!

I really wanted to do Something Rotten/Make An Omlette but she doesn't know that one


is cisnormative a word????
you know what screw it, im using it as a word.

working on my psychology midterm that's due tomorrow and realising just how FREAKING HETERONORMATIVE and CISNORMATIVE and AMANANORMATIVE psychology is and im
getting real frustrated when they list things like "achieving a masculine or feminine role" as one of the key tasks in younger teenage/ midle school age development and talking about those who dont fully achieve or accept their given role as developmentally behind like lol im definately not totally traditionally feminine and I am just fine and I just

@HighPockets group

Oof that sucks. I was reading the A Court Of Thorns and Roses series and while I don't really like nor dislike the books, the author CONSTANTLY uses 'male' and 'female' to describe characters and even stuff like "It was a male thing to say" or "I needed some females to liven this place up" and shit like that. It was so annoying!!

Not to mention that all of the LGBTQA+ characters are unnamed side characters besides two: a bi guy who literally sleeps with everyone and always has threesomes (he's introduced like this) and a lesbian who forces herself to sleep with guys and is kept in the closet because she's afraid of hurting this guy who has a crush on her's feelings.

@Becfromthedead group

is cisnormative a word????
you know what screw it, im using it as a word.

working on my psychology midterm that's due tomorrow and realising just how FREAKING HETERONORMATIVE and CISNORMATIVE and AMANANORMATIVE psychology is and im
getting real frustrated when they list things like "achieving a masculine or feminine role" as one of the key tasks in younger teenage/ midle school age development and talking about those who dont fully achieve or accept their given role as developmentally behind like lol im definately not totally traditionally feminine and I am just fine and I just

Yup. I’m in psych too, and I’ve noticed some of the same stuff in our text. Luckily our professor is a bit more progressive and doesn’t always follow the textbook (especially not Freud’s stuff…). But asexuality is nonexistent in psych as I know it, and I see so much online discourse that’s like, “If you don’t want to have sex, you’re lying or there’s something wrong with you.” And it’s just… ugh…

@HighPockets group

is cisnormative a word????
you know what screw it, im using it as a word.

working on my psychology midterm that's due tomorrow and realising just how FREAKING HETERONORMATIVE and CISNORMATIVE and AMANANORMATIVE psychology is and im
getting real frustrated when they list things like "achieving a masculine or feminine role" as one of the key tasks in younger teenage/ midle school age development and talking about those who dont fully achieve or accept their given role as developmentally behind like lol im definately not totally traditionally feminine and I am just fine and I just

Yup. I’m in psych too, and I’ve noticed some of the same stuff in our text. Luckily our professor is a bit more progressive and doesn’t always follow the textbook (especially not Freud’s stuff…). But asexuality is nonexistent in psych as I know it, and I see so much online discourse that’s like, “If you don’t want to have sex, you’re lying or there’s something wrong with you.” And it’s just… ugh…

When I see that I'm like "Buddy I know I'm a mess but my asexuality has nothing to do with that!"


yeah, as an Asexual Psychology major at a Christian college where all those descriptors I listed are considered to be the norm it's really frustrating.


Yup. I’m in psych too, and I’ve noticed some of the same stuff in our text. Luckily our professor is a bit more progressive and doesn’t always follow the textbook (especially not Freud’s stuff…). But asexuality is nonexistent in psych as I know it, and I see so much online discourse that’s like, “If you don’t want to have sex, you’re lying or there’s something wrong with you.” And it’s just… ugh…

When I see that I'm like "Buddy I know I'm a mess but my asexuality has nothing to do with that!"

EXACTLY!!! I know I'm a mess and I know why and like none of my real problems stem from my Asexuality. My asexuality just seems to highlight them lol like it aint a problem that I dont dress femininely, its just more comfortable. AND it aint a problem that I dont want sex, I didnt develop that

on the bright side ther is one thing my textbook got right "teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testing roles and integrating them to form a single identity or they become confused on who they are"
the problem is that some of those roles and identities arent what you expect I aggressively think and want to say to my my Christian teacher who is definitely kinda anti LGBT+

also the same teacher used Autism $peaks as his source on ALL his info on Autism and like that kinda pissed me off