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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Like just look at fucking Fairy Tails intros. All of them are great and are catchy as hell, so is the background music.

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Death Parades intro is just perfection along with all the Blue Exorcist openings and closings.


I think I had sleep paralysis last night… that or it was a really fucked up dream. I was in bed and couldn't move or anything but this demon looking thing crawled through my window and then ripped each of my ribs out one by one and I could feel it and it was terrifying

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that is sleep paralysis. Maybe you should tell someone. Get some help from a doctor.

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Holy shit that’s dark. I had a shipping dream again. My fiction OTP is so cute and I love how it’s now canon.


I think I had sleep paralysis last night… that or it was a really fucked up dream. I was in bed and couldn't move or anything but this demon looking thing crawled through my window and then ripped each of my ribs out one by one and I could feel it and it was terrifying

That's probably a dream… Sometimes people confuse lucid dreams where they're paralyzed for sleep paralysis… I've had those too… But see someone anyway…


it's happened more than once but I don't think it's bad enough to see a doctor about it… it was just really freaky and I couldn't get back to sleep after I woke up


I really don't think it's that bad though? Like it doesn't happen every night, last time it happened was almost a year ago, and it usually happens when I'm sick for some reason. Last time wasn't as bad though.