forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Me, A native Californian who literally puts on two jackets at the sight of 60 degreesF,
excuse me but w h a t i s s n o w


And I shall be sitting in the middle of the room with my average 5'5" self


It sucks because I got my growth spurt in like third grade so I was super tall until sixth grade when everyone started catching up


It's great because I just McFrikin love it when I'm walking through the halls at my school and then oh wait I can't see mothertrucking shat because my head is below everyone's shoulders. So at this rate I have just learned how long it takes to walk in between my classes in hopes that I walk into the right one. Bless


It sucks because I got my growth spurt in like third grade so I was super tall until sixth grade when everyone started catching up



All of my friends are like four feet tall though so they still call me "the tall one"

Deleted user

Hey guys. I'm here, queer, and currently feeling better about myself than usual. I actually feel like life is worth living today. Yay. But whatever. How are y'all?


All of my friends are like four feet tall though so they still call me "the tall one"

On the contrary, all of my friends are at least four inches taller than me


Hey guys. I'm here, queer, and currently feeling better about myself than usual. I actually feel like life is worth living today. Yay. But whatever. How are y'all?

Yay! Good to hear it!

@Becfromthedead group

For American females, 5'4" is…

Oh snap, okay! I'm just very thrown off by who I surround myself with (which is usually tall people), and I got into an argument with my 5'8, 12-year-old brother about me being average, because he describes me as "very short." I think it might be my stature that makes me look smaller than I actually am. I have very short legs, and 90% of the time, normal length pants go over my feet.


I'm mostly leg. My shorter friends will sit next to me and be as tall as me just because my torso is so small.