forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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wait hold on a psychiatrist can make over 200,000$ a year
fuck yeah sign me up for that shit, I'm already lowkey obsessed with mental health and different types of mental disorders

I just like to help people… As long as I can do that it's OK…

Same, but I've got sort of a fascination with the brain and how it works, and how mental health works and how it affects people in their daily lives… idk…


I'm kinda disappointed I have to go to med school to examine dead people but I can avoid those four extra years and large amout of debt for a similar job that requires me to travel……. ugh… I'm basically stuck between a rock and a hard place with what I want for my career…

You'll find it… And same goes for you!

I suppose…
You don't need to give me money, Shuri. I'll figure something out… probably just work my way through college to help with some of the debt lmao

Too bad, doll!


man I've never had authentic ramen or sushi ever and you all live so far away sad face

I can bring you ramen in two years!!

where are you going in two years!

anywhere but here. I'm 16 and a half now, so it's more like one and a half years, but I'll be 18 by then and can finally get out of here


wait hold on a psychiatrist can make over 200,000$ a year
fuck yeah sign me up for that shit, I'm already lowkey obsessed with mental health and different types of mental disorders

I just like to help people… As long as I can do that it's OK…

Same, but I've got sort of a fascination with the brain and how it works, and how mental health works and how it affects people in their daily lives… idk…

You've done a lot, Jensen, you're going to be a great person some day!


man I've never had authentic ramen or sushi ever and you all live so far away sad face

I can bring you ramen in two years!!

where are you going in two years!

anywhere but here. I'm 16 and a half now, so it's more like one and a half years, but I'll be 18 by then and can finally get out of here

i live in the good old OHIO where we have The Ohio State and a shit tone of Corn, Soybeans, and weet


wait hold on a psychiatrist can make over 200,000$ a year
fuck yeah sign me up for that shit, I'm already lowkey obsessed with mental health and different types of mental disorders

I just like to help people… As long as I can do that it's OK…

Same, but I've got sort of a fascination with the brain and how it works, and how mental health works and how it affects people in their daily lives… idk…

You've done a lot, Jensen, you're going to be a great person some day!

I hope to be a psychiatrist and specialize in mental health… and then have lots of kids and be able to recognize when they're really struggling and help them through it, that way they don't have to go through what I'm going through and what people in my family have gone through before (depression and anxiety runs in the family, at least on my mom's side)


I'm kinda disappointed I have to go to med school to examine dead people but I can avoid those four extra years and large amout of debt for a similar job that requires me to travel……. ugh… I'm basically stuck between a rock and a hard place with what I want for my career…

You'll find it… And same goes for you!

I suppose…
You don't need to give me money, Shuri. I'll figure something out… probably just work my way through college to help with some of the debt lmao

Too bad, doll!

No Shuri you know I hate accepting charity lmao


man I've never had authentic ramen or sushi ever and you all live so far away sad face

I can bring you ramen in two years!!

where are you going in two years!

anywhere but here. I'm 16 and a half now, so it's more like one and a half years, but I'll be 18 by then and can finally get out of here

i live in the good old OHIO where we have The Ohio State and a shit tone of Corn, Soybeans, and weet

I think I've been to Ohio before lol
I'll bring you some a u t h e n t i c ramen once I get the hell out of Cali


man I've never had authentic ramen or sushi ever and you all live so far away sad face

I can bring you ramen in two years!!

where are you going in two years!

anywhere but here. I'm 16 and a half now, so it's more like one and a half years, but I'll be 18 by then and can finally get out of here

i live in the good old OHIO where we have The Ohio State and a shit tone of Corn, Soybeans, and weet

I think I've been to Ohio before lol
I'll bring you some a u t h e n t i c ramen once I get the hell out of Cali

hell yes! im only 13 so i cant go batshit anywhere……..


man I've never had authentic ramen or sushi ever and you all live so far away sad face

I can bring you ramen in two years!!

where are you going in two years!

anywhere but here. I'm 16 and a half now, so it's more like one and a half years, but I'll be 18 by then and can finally get out of here

i live in the good old OHIO where we have The Ohio State and a shit tone of Corn, Soybeans, and weet

I think I've been to Ohio before lol
I'll bring you some a u t h e n t i c ramen once I get the hell out of Cali

hell yes! im only 13 so i cant go batshit anywhere……..

big oof
you'll get there in 5 years though… but if you're anything like me, it's going to be both the longest and shortest 5 years of your entire life and you're going to want to slow everything down and speed it all up at the same time


I would feel lucky… but that's because I have absolutely no freedom. Right now, the only places I can go are school and home. And because of last weeks whole thing, I can't go over to anybody's house and have to quit my job and I probably can't stay after school either.

@Becfromthedead group

This is kind of unrelated to anything we've been talking about, but… I have this friend. I don't know her very well, but she's an absolute ray of sunshine, and she's in one of my classes, and everybody loves her. Well, I just learned that her house burned down… and on top of that, her best friend was killed in a car accident about a month ago, and I know she has to be hurting a lot. I don't know what to do. I barely know her, but she does not deserve to go this alone. Anyone have advice for what to do?


Offer her your support and your ears to listen to her, even if you both don't know each other, just the simple act of reaching out will do some help. Ask if she needs anything at all. She'll probably say no, she's just fine, but at least your offer will be there. Acknowledge you don't know each other, just say:

"I don't know you very well, and you don't know me very well either but I know you're going through a really tough time right now. You've been such a kind and lovely person–a literal ray of sunshine at times. Just know that I'm here for you, to support you and offer you anything you need or want."

Or something of the like.


This is kind of unrelated to anything we've been talking about, but… I have this friend. I don't know her very well, but she's an absolute ray of sunshine, and she's in one of my classes, and everybody loves her. Well, I just learned that her house burned down… and on top of that, her best friend was killed in a car accident about a month ago, and I know she has to be hurting a lot. I don't know what to do. I barely know her, but she does not deserve to go this alone. Anyone have advice for what to do?

Be direct… Don't you fucking dawdle… This is a human in pain, who needs to be shown a good time… Please do so…

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, you're both right… I should probably go ahead and private message her. I just hate how easily I see pain, but how I'm always too afraid to do anything about it. Obviously, I'm in need of a change in that respect.