forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

Same. I also have 2 more regular tests this week. Tuesday, I have 2 presentations and a test. I'm literally doing one presentation on D&D because she did not specify what we should talk about, and I can make it fit the criteria, and also idgaf about her class because it's a required freshman class and is pass-or-fail. Also she wasn't very nice or understanding to me when I was sick (I couldn't eat without being in agony for like 5 days, and I was really weak and tired) and never answers my emails. Sooooo D&D presentation, it is. The other presentation is in a group, and my group has done exactly nothing… after shutting down some of my good ideas, and not talking, so I have to initiate almost everything despite not being the leader type.


we're working on our pbl project but like our project s u c k s and the essay is done but it doesn't sound right to me and i have no clue how to fix it and half of my team is barely working and ugghhh


the pro of homeschool: you can stay in your pjs in your room
the con of homeschool: your mom is super overpretective and you have little sisters who insist you play with them and eat meals with them so you never get privacy


i casually came out to my team members and they were just talking about how coming out isn't a big deal anymore so i was like- ye i wish
i didn't care much for their opinion but thought they should know that since they ~straight boys~ were talking about being gay


I came out to a bunch of ~straight boys~ who were using gay as an insult and I was like "Well you aren't wrong."
They were so embarrassed and now they don't use it as an insult (at least when I'm around)


there's this really homophobic fuckboi that I came out to and he got so uncomfortable and it was really funny bc he was such a dick to me before


I came out to a bunch of ~straight boys~ who were using gay as an insult and I was like "Well you aren't wrong."
They were so embarrassed and now they don't use it as an insult (at least when I'm around)

My sisters (who are gay) use it as an insult still… So does my best friend, who is gay himself… I dunno why… It's really weird…


there's this really homophobic fuckboi that I came out to and he got so uncomfortable and it was really funny bc he was such a dick to me before

I usually punch homophobic fuckbois… The last one I punched called things "gay" like that… And then he said something totally obnoxious like "girls get soaked over abs"…


Yeah, I used to kick him in the legs, and in the stomach, and one time he was being really inappropriate and saying nasty things about me and one of my friends got fed up and threw him against a wall and threatened him, and then apparently after I left, the fuckboi got punched in the face


ok so today in S.S we were talking about gays and my teacher said that its like giving your self a pep talk every day and no one was talking so in a whisper i said "every day i get up and tell my self 'ya lowen today's the day your gay' and i as the only one speaking yet he did not hear me and im like "HOW!"


ok so today in S.S we were talking about gays and my teacher said that its like giving your self a pep talk every day and no one was talking so in a whisper i said "every day i get up and tell my self 'ya lowen today's the day your gay' and i as the only one speaking yet he did not hear me and im like "HOW!"

Oof. I'm sorry…