forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I may or not have just said "I'm Rick Astley, and this is my pawn shop" on accident



I'm really scared about coming out to my parents because I'm only 13 but I know I'm at least some form of queer?

I’m going through the

@HighPockets group

And in Honors English my class is reading Romeo and Juliet and we have to do questions and most of them are like "Do you believe in love at first sight?" and I'm like 'Uhhhhh… do I answer without outing myself…"

Lol one question was "Would you date Romeo?" and I wrote "I'd rather date Hamlet."


Hey… so, hypotheticaly, if one were to attend Haven for the first time at the very last meeting of the semester, how strange would that seem?

lol what am I saying im never gonna work up the courage to go and even if i do im just gonna walk up to the doors get scared and run away