forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Also, I know im interrupting, but I have a question, how do you ask a friend for their phone number without it seeming romantic? because for some reason all my friends think that me wanting to talk to this person outside of class is flirting and my Aromantic Asexual butt is confused. I just want this dudes number because he’s cool and i wanna stay his friend after this class is over and I have no other way of contacting him like…. halp.
How do I make it not seem like im flirting?


Yeah I’m 5’9” bordering on 5’10” and I have the coordination of a bearded dragon on tile

That is the greatest mental picture I’ve ever been given to describe clumsiness and i LOVE IT!


Just be like “oh btw before I forget what’s your phone number so I can ask u what I miss when I’m gone from class” or something

Usually if you look nonchalant no one will think you’re flirting


Yeah I’m 5’9” bordering on 5’10” and I have the coordination of a bearded dragon on tile

That is the greatest mental picture I’ve ever been given to describe clumsiness and i LOVE IT!

There’s a reason my family members constantly try and trip me

I am all leg and can only avoid eating floor for so long


Yeah I’m 5’9” bordering on 5’10” and I have the coordination of a bearded dragon on tile

That is the greatest mental picture I’ve ever been given to describe clumsiness and i LOVE IT!

There’s a reason my family members constantly try and trip me

I am all leg and can only avoid eating floor for so long

Meanwhile i fit with a 2 1/2 foot square under my bed lol 😂


Yeah I’m 5’9” bordering on 5’10” and I have the coordination of a bearded dragon on tile

That is the greatest mental picture I’ve ever been given to describe clumsiness and i LOVE IT!

There’s a reason my family members constantly try and trip me

I am all leg and can only avoid eating floor for so long

i have no legs


But the great thing about being short (or maybe its just my friends) is that hugs are amazing because you hug someone and your head is either nestled between their neck and their shoulder or buried in their chest and their arms are around you like a frickin blanket and sometime your tall companion will rest their chin on your head if it's a long hug. Also everyone can give you piggy-back rides. In a weird way I always feel really safe and strongly protected in my group of friends because if something ever happens or I feel uncomfortable I can just zoom behind my 5'10 buddy and everything will be ok


Yes but when you’re the tall one, being the protecto friend is great, but there’s like no chance of being in one of those great blanket hugs unless all your short friends like pile onto you


Worry not tall companion! If you ever find yourself in need of a blanket hug, simply sit down next to one of our fun-sized kind and ask! We will be happy (well, most of us) to oblige!


Yesterday I was complaining that all the boys in our class were taller than me and this guy(he’s kinda my friend)who is like 5’3 walked by, looked up at me, and then looked down sadly.


My brain: am tall, must protec

Also my brain: can I plz have blanket hug. Dumb body wants blanket hug

If you want a blanket hug just ask man.
Sure, you'll have to be sitting or I have to stand on a chair, but I can provide blanket hugs when needed


My brain: am tall, must protec

Also my brain: can I plz have blanket hug. Dumb body wants blanket hug

If you want a blanket hug just ask man.
Sure, you'll have to be sitting or I have to stand on a chair, but I can provide blanket hugs when needed

Give me three stools and a coffee table with a chair and I’ll give you a hug!


oof thx red, though I'll probably never actually ask bc I'm dumb

but yeah it's raining here and I love rain but I don't have like a windbreaker or anything that fits, all I have is fabric hoodies