forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


I'm sure they'll understand if you want to go to Haven, darling, it's the last one…

yeah but like I dont wanna out myself to them and id have to walk by them to go to Haven and that would be awkward and like…….. IDK maybe im overthinking this whole thing because maybe I dont have to walk past them, I can go the long way, but like, we wont be having any other meetings with the group next semester and I have finals to finish but it would be fun to go to Haven because they are having a food/ game night and I feel like thats a good time to show up because I can explain my hesitance to go and stuff and, and… and …………
I could make excuses forever. I just need to make a choice. I just dont know how.


and me, if you need more than one person to talk to I guess lol

and yes I'm very proud, not only is the modded version lower pitched (I like "dulling things" in my renditions, which means paler/duller colors in art, deeper sounds in music, ect) so now I just need to figure out how to coordinate both singing and playing at the same time


and me, if you need more than one person to talk to I guess lol

and yes I'm very proud, not only is the modded version lower pitched (I like "dulling things" in my renditions, which means paler/duller colors in art, deeper sounds in music, ect) so now I just need to figure out how to coordinate both singing and playing at the same time

sing it with playing just the chord changes first, that's always a really good start
also I'm kinda the opposite, I like bringing a lot of songs up a key


this is what happens to me when I let myself think about things. I need to learn to be more impulsive.
the thing is honestly I dont like ice cream that much, especially when it's cold out and having I ce cream when its cold out is about equal to my discomfort in turnin down the ice cream and going to Haven instead so idk


You know you don't have to out yourself just to go there…

i mean I dont want to tell my friends who want me to go to ice cream with them that im going to Haven because im not out to them


I love trying to convince my mom that wanting to kiss someone doesn't equal not being asexual…uuuugh

She's one of those "don't label yourself" types…and apparently doesn't completely understand the meaning of the term asexual…

@Becfromthedead group

I don't get that. It's like… you label yourself as straight, why don't other sexualities get to label themselves? She wouldn't have a thing to say if you said that you were straight… Also that attitude fosters the idea that labels are permanent. But the thing is, sexuality is fluid, and people learn more about themselves as time goes on.
And yeah, I don't think a lot of people get asexuality. It's odd though… If my 7th grade self, who had never heard the term asexual before could understand it (when my friend first told me she was), why is it so hard for some people to wrap their minds around? It just irritates me to no end.


one of my best friends is asexual, and I completely understand not wanting to have sex. though in my friend's case he still wants to kiss people and have relationships and stuff, but not sex, and I don't get now you couldn't understand that. seriously, our society is so sex-centric it's ridiculous


I know? And I tried explaining the whole "hey, sexuality is fluid and I'm still learning about myself. If I find that I'm not actually ace, then I can just do whatever". I don't know if it's stubbornly being ignorant or if she just genuinely doesn't get it. She seems to think it's attention-seeking.


yeah, I mean I have no idea what to call myself since I'm such an oddball in the non-genderconforming/queer spectrums (I guess I'm agender, idk) and I'm into everything but guys (but I think I would date a masculine person? I legit don't know anymore) so I just use the umbrella term of "gay" lol


yeah, I mean I have no idea what to call myself since I'm such an oddball in the non-genderconforming/queer spectrums (I guess I'm agender, idk) and I'm into everything but guys (but I think I would date a masculine person? I legit don't know anymore) so I just use the umbrella term of "gay" lol

omg that reminds me in the locker room yesterday I was calling myself a lesbian and I pointed to my boots and said "these boots were made specifically for lesbians. Nobody else is allowed to wear them." and Kasey seemed annoyed and said "oh so you're a lesbian now? What are you gonna be next week?" And I literally said "No Kasey, I just like the word lesbian and I don't exactly have a label I like using. Lesbians are awesome and since there's no word for my sexuality I'll call myself what I want, get off my dick"