forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

one of my best friends is asexual, and I completely understand not wanting to have sex. though in my friend's case he still wants to kiss people and have relationships and stuff, but not sex, and I don't get now you couldn't understand that. seriously, our society is so sex-centric it's ridiculous

And people want to force sex everywhere. They act like a movie without romance isn't worth watching, and while I enjoy romance sometimes, a movie can be fine without making-out romance. Look at Rogue One! Look at Zootopia! Look at Big Hero 6! Not everything needs to be a romance!

Deleted user

Actually I agree with that. I’ve been in a few relationships and I couldn’t imagine myself having sex with that person. Whenever I thought about it, I was just like, “Yeah, that’s not me”.

So now I’m just confused

I might just be asexual

@HighPockets group

I have fallen down the Shakespeare hole even farther.
I'm literally creating a menu for a Shakespeare restaurant for my business class.
I ship Benvolio/Mercutio and Hamlet/Horatio more than most people's 'popular' ships.


oof I know the feel when you eat too much sweets. though somehow when I ate a salad a few days ago bc I didn't want to eat a bunch I felt like I had gotten immediate stomach flu


But blehk… I hate this… I guess it's cheat-day…

I feel like we all deserve a cheat day every once in a while when it comes to food lol


oof I know the feel when you eat too much sweets. though somehow when I ate a salad a few days ago bc I didn't want to eat a bunch I felt like I had gotten immediate stomach flu

oh my god please tell me it didn't have romaine lettuce because if you did you might've actually gotten really sick from it


no it wasn't romaine lettuce, the restaurant I was at literally told me that if I wanted a ceasar salad they would give me a salad mix or whatever instead of romaine lettuce lol


oof I know the feel when you eat too much sweets. though somehow when I ate a salad a few days ago bc I didn't want to eat a bunch I felt like I had gotten immediate stomach flu

oh my god please tell me it didn't have romaine lettuce because if you did you might've actually gotten really sick from it

I heard about that…


I know… Usually I do pretty good but I dunno… I just like being in absurdly good shape…

That's really good! But remember, one day isn't going reverse everything you worked for, you'll be okay lol


no it wasn't romaine lettuce, the restaurant I was at literally told me that if I wanted a ceasar salad they would give me a salad mix or whatever instead of romaine lettuce lol

Oh thank Jesus


I know… But thinking like thst is what gets some people to fail… Not me… But still…

As long as you keep yourself from doing it a second day, you should be fine. One day is super easy to bounce back from. Two is a lot harder for some reason, and beyond that takes a lot of willpower… at least for me


Oh… It's honestly a good thing to feel ashamed of it though… It gives you further motivation… At least for me…

I guess that's one way of looking at it