forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

Deleted user

oh this is the wrong chat but it works too lmao

@Becfromthedead group

i think i can answer this one!!
i use she/they and i do end up prefering the first one more so you're p much right on that one, but i think it can also vary between people depending on their gender identity
sorry if my answer doesn't make sense sjnjdnj i'm not good at explaining things all that much

Yeah, that's the thing. I also use she/they, but I think I prefer they/them. Also they/she doesn't roll off the tongue as well so um… oof.
It probably does vary a lot between individuals, but if there's an indicator that I prefer one over the other, I might as well use it

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My mom: You're way more interested in Pride this year, I wonder what's changed
Me, sweating: yeah I wonder

Also we were at target and I was in the pride section because of course and I saw someone with the coolest neon green hair

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm very tired from the sick aha
I'm packing my room on and off today because I can't pack anything else. I'm probably sick because I was cleaning up the moldy tubs from the back basement room without protection or ventilation so :')
Also hot flashes that always happen around the beginning of every. Single. Month.
But hey! I'm doing okay enough to wear a crop top without crying at my body so long as I don't look in a mirror so that helps

@Altar_Ego group

i went to buy a suit yesterday and why do women's suits cost like $20 more than men's suits???? also, i shopped in the men's section, chose a men's suit, but when i went to pay, i was charged for a woman's suit :(

@requiemisback language

speaking of pride stuff, actually
while i was at walmart with my dads today i saw this bag of skittles that was completely greyed out (except for the logo)
and the back of the bag said something along the lines of "we gave up our rainbow in favor of the only that really matters this pride" and it made me smile so much fjdbdhjhsm like i get it could be a sales ploy but i chose to believe that a candy company cares about this month in particular hhh