forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@Becfromthedead group

I have so many boots-
It's just if I do, I need to make sure it's a pair I can walk in all day. Otherwise, it'll be my tie-dye sneakers.
And I'll try to go all out with makeup. I have bright blue eyeliner and a pretty solid rainbow pallet, also some face paint. Whatever the mood is.
I would love to dress with a lot of skin showing, but also it might not be one of those days where I'm cool with that :(((


UGh that's so annoying.
Like, yes, my body is beautiful, glad you noticed, and a binder would be of great help to me.
There's no "but"
They aren't contradictory statements.

@larcenistarsonist group

You guys-

I require assistance.

So my sister has sucked me down the BNHA hole and after watching all of the anime and reading the manga, I have decided that I am knowledgeable to write a fic on the matter, but I don't know which idea to go with:

Fallen Heroes

Midnight assigns each of the Class I-A students a fallen hero to research. Angst and crack ensues.

How Hitoshi became an Aizawa-Yamada

On a patrol one day, Present Mic comes upon a bruised, muzzled, and silently sobbing child. He does the only logical thing and adopts him on the spot.

5 Times Aizawa went to a student's funeral, and 1 time one went to his

just pure heart crushing angst.

I Got You Brother

Todoroki Shouto is gravely injured in battle. He's also without allies.

Shouto has come to the conclusion that this was where he was going to die.

However, a certain villain with familiar eyes had a different plan.

(OR! Dabi kidnaps a half-dead Todoroki and nurses him back to health with the help of the League)

thanksgiving with a Very unconventional family

Shinsou Hitoshi could not have chosen a worse time to introduce his boyfriend to his family. His family that he was not at all blood related to, but had forced their affection on him for as long as the purple-haired child could remember. His Uncle Oboro was ecstatic to meet Kaminari Denki, Aunt Nemuri is unaware that she's met him already, his Papa just wants to have a peaceful Thanksgiving for once, and Hitoshi's Dad is dead set on the worst shovel talk the world has ever seen. Eri just wants to eat candy apples with Mirio and his fiancé.

Class 1-A's New Favorite Substitute Teacher

When Aizawa's in no shape to be teaching, Nezu contacts another Pro Hero to take over until Eraserhead is stable enough to be let back into the classroom. Unfortunately for Iida Tenya, his brother rolls in with a smirk and a lap full of baby pictures.

Uncle Shirokumo

Shirokumo Oboro never really recovered from his near-death experience fifteen years ago. Yes, he was alive. Yes, he was well. Yes, he still went to Shouta and Hizashi's wedding that he had secretly been planning since they were 16. Yes, he was named godfather to his two best friends' children. Yes, he met all of Class 1-A and was assigned the title of Uncle faster than he could have ever thought.

Yes, he mostly recovered.

But some nights he would wake up choking on his own clouds and sweat soaking through his shirt and sheets, his head throbbing as if the building had crumbled all over again.

It was only after he moved into UA that he really got the help he needed. And that help came in many unexpected ways.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hold on I didn’t tell y’all about the cute barista I met at Starbucks last week

Her eyeliner was on point and her hair was black and red and she was really pretty and I complimented her hair but the bandana I was wearing wasn’t gay enough IMO and I was biking with a school group so I couldn’t wear any pins because I didn’t want to lose any


I have awoken and chosen annoyance. I leave for work in 30 minutes and I have stuff to do before then but I found my kazoo and nothing else matters

@Becfromthedead group

I'm really watching season 2 of love Victor and like huh, Lake's mother sure does remind me of my mom someone a little bit. Not the same situation or as extreme, but their on camera interactions with each other are throwing me for a loop

@requiemisback language

sjfdjd those shoes look so noiceeee-
i want to get something for pride but idk if my dads will be willing to help me look for something i'd like that's within our budget-

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My dad: now where are you not going to wear them?
Me: church.
My dad: and..?
Me: church.

Also us:
My dad: why the rainbow, I thought that wasn't the genderfluid flag.
Me: the rainbow is like the-
My dad: the promise God made to Moses?
Me, trying so hard not to say "then it's fine for me to wear them to church":

@codenamelivia group

hi…umm i am new to LGBTQ+ and i just found out i am Bi about a year ago and still learning about my sels and i think i may be fine with a three person relationship…

@requiemisback language

hi…umm i am new to LGBTQ+ and i just found out i am Bi about a year ago and still learning about my sels and i think i may be fine with a three person relationship…

welcome to the club!
also jdhuhsj fellow poly folk!! come on aboard the poly train, fam! :D

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Yeee welcome!!
I'm Corbin/Corbal, he/they/she, your genderfluid ace questioning pan and poly peep! I've known I'm LGBTQ for almost four years and am still exploring myself, and I've been out as only genderfluid for about half a year now.

@Becfromthedead group

Hey there! I'm Bec, fellow bisexual. I also identify as demisexual and genderflux, and I'm old af.
I didn't realize I was part of the community until I was an adult, and even then, I'm still discovering stuff, especially in the gender department.

Deleted user

i'm glad you could grow from that and discover yourself :> hi, i'm zero, he/it, nblm and also poly! nice to meetcha!


hello! im orion, genderfluid/flux, aceflux, and probably also aroflux (but who knows) any pronouns especially neopronouns and it/itself
welcome to the club matey!!