forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Hey I'm a nihilist

what's an ecclesiastes?

A book in the OT. Here're some verses

“Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”

“The fate of the fool will overtake me also.
What then do I gain by being wise?”
I said to myself,
“This too is meaningless.”
For the wise, like the fool, will not be long remembered;
the days have already come when both have been forgotten.
Like the fool, the wise too must die!

What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

@larcenistarsonist group

Nihilism's the best my dudes. A lot of people see it as super depressing but I just see it as extreme realism.

explain it?

Nihilism is basically excepting that nothing matters. Nihilists pretty much reject all religion and moral values. We accept facts as they are, we don't put a positive or negative spin on stuff. My favorite quote is actually "Nothing exists except atoms and space, everything else is opinion." And that my dudes is nihilism. 90% of nihilists are atheist or agnostic. A lot of Gen Z are nihilists too.

@Becfromthedead group

I wouldn't call myself a nihilist, but I do vibe with some nihilistic stuff.
Like life is inherently meaningless, so it's up to us to make our own meaning.
There's just a lot of free will there, yknow?

Deleted user

"I'm gonna yeehaw through life and then I'll die."
"MJ, no-"

Me and my friend just now.

But yeah, since life is meaningless, I've decided to do as much crazy shit as I can.

hell yeah my dude
embrace chaos


"I'm gonna yeehaw through life and then I'll die."
"MJ, no-"

Me and my friend just now.

But yeah, since life is meaningless, I've decided to do as much crazy shit as I can.

hell yeah my dude
embrace chaos

laughs in Anarchist

@larcenistarsonist group

"I'm gonna yeehaw through life and then I'll die."
"MJ, no-"

Me and my friend just now.

But yeah, since life is meaningless, I've decided to do as much crazy shit as I can.

hell yeah my dude
embrace chaos

laughs in Anarchist

laughs in chaotic nihilist who isn't afraid to die

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'm gonna yeehaw through life and then I'll die."
"MJ, no-"

Me and my friend just now.

But yeah, since life is meaningless, I've decided to do as much crazy shit as I can.

hell yeah my dude
embrace chaos

laughs in Anarchist

laughs in chaotic nihilist who isn't afraid to die

cackles in nothing left to lose

Is it bad I misread anarchist and antichrist at first o.o

@Moxie group

As a christian, I vibe way more with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) than I do with the entirety of the Old Testament

I think thats what you guys are talking about I can't keep up

Deleted user

I used to be pretty religious, but then I came to a bunch of upsetting realizations and now I'm an atheist.

But yeah, I vibe with nihilism a lot too.


"I'm gonna yeehaw through life and then I'll die."
"MJ, no-"

Me and my friend just now.

But yeah, since life is meaningless, I've decided to do as much crazy shit as I can.

hell yeah my dude
embrace chaos

laughs in Anarchist

laughs in chaotic nihilist who isn't afraid to die

cackles in nothing left to lose

Is it bad I misread anarchist and antichrist at first o.o

that too


Most of the epistles are dope. Christianity makes is basis on the idea that Jesus ushered in the dispensation of grace, giving God the ability a new covenant with humanity. As Paul would put it, the law (OT/Torah) is "obsolete". For this reason, it's understandable why most Christians don't vibe with the OT.
Of course, there are certain denominations where the interpretation of the law's relationship with the new covenant is different than that, like in Messianic Judaism where many practitioners still practice the mitzvot in the Torah.

Deleted user

"I'm gonna yeehaw through life and then I'll die."
"MJ, no-"

Me and my friend just now.

But yeah, since life is meaningless, I've decided to do as much crazy shit as I can.

hell yeah my dude
embrace chaos

laughs in Anarchist

laughs in chaotic nihilist who isn't afraid to die

cackles in nothing left to lose

Is it bad I misread anarchist and antichrist at first o.o

cackles in everything is meaningless anyway