forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, and that's okay. I'm not saying that it's normal, per se, but a lot of people feel like they're just faking it too.
Idk if I joked about it here, but I talked about "quitting my job before they fire me."
Lots of self doubt. Thinking you "get lucky" when you do something right.
It can be a struggle to fight against, but it's definitely easier to deal with imposter syndrome once you recognize you have it.

@larcenistarsonist group

I never really study and academics just come naturally I guess, but I always feel like I'm faking it, that I'm never as smart as the other kids in the room. I'm always thinking that's it's a matter of time before they realise I'm not as smart as they think I am and holy shit AAAAAGGGHH

@Becfromthedead group

Yuppppp I feel that
That stuff comes pretty naturally to me. Even in college, most subjects have come pretty naturally. And it feels like you get lucky, and that you're getting good grades you don't deserve, but that's not the case.
Some people's brains are wired in a way that they're good at school without trying. It's not really a matter of being fake.

@Becfromthedead group

You can get better, but like with any other mental health stuff, it takes some amount of effort to kind of stop that way of thinking.
I don't really know the solution yet, but I'm working on myself. I think it helps to acknowledge that those thoughts and feelings of inadequacy are untrue. Period. It can still be hard to ignore, but it helps to at least come to that realization that you aren't faking it any more than the next guy

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

… more?

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

… more?

illegal, i will die

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

… more?

illegal, i will die

… perhaps…. Xanax?

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

… more?

illegal, i will die

… perhaps…. Xanax?

Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

… more?

illegal, i will die

… perhaps…. Xanax?


Deleted user


love to make the pain hurt just a little less
also, go take tylenol bitch

I'm on 600 ml of ibuprofen bitch

… more?

illegal, i will die

… perhaps…. Xanax?


I C A N ' T
I do have Vicodin (prescribed)
but if I take any I know I'll get addicted so I'm not gonna do that