forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@larcenistarsonist group

We made carmel apples today in my Teen Living class and I was really proud of mine so I put it in a nice lil plastic bag to give to somebody and all the carmel just kinda dripped down to the bottom of the bag along with all the sprinkles >:'(
no google I do not mean caramel I mean carmel

@Becfromthedead group

You don't immediately get addicted to painkillers. You can take what you were prescribed, as long as you do so as directed and break it up with ibuprofen.
(Also don't quote me on this, but I'm p sure I was on 800 mg ibuprofen when I got my wisdom teeth out)

Deleted user

Ok but I just kinda realized

I'm actually good at math

Like what


Gonna go on a rant. Prefacing this with I'm cis but to all my trans folks out there, your situation makes me want to punch god or whoever's in charge of this shit, y'all shouldn't have to deal with this

Cw for possibly dysphoric topics, I don't really know if it's worth it but I don't want to risk triggering someone.

@saor_illust school

hahhahaha i just had to deal with my dad being homophobic :))))
he even insisted on saying 'lgbqt' and 'lgbqtqxyz' and all that :))))))

i now feel like i'm wearing a mask specifically for him when i'm around him
i don't feel safe around my dad
i dont feel safe at home
i have no one

i fucken hate this, i don't like this feeling
i'm hiding everything bad about me from him that i can in fear that he'll get mad, and i've seen him mad, and i've seen him fucken livid
i have bad memories of those times from when i was younger

someone please get me out of here


Izzy, I'm actually in a very similar situation. A homo/transphobic household with an aggressive dad. Living in fear and hiding everything. Tiptoeing on eggshells everytime you interact. I have a fearful family life too. And I know how bad it sucks, because we're basically powerless to do anything about it.
You're not alone. And this isn't all life is- being trapped behind a mask in an unfair house. I promise. There's so much more out there. We have to wait. Wait until you're out of the house and free. In the meantime, prepare for those days. Look forward to them. Remember that you have us and this space to take your mask off and release. And work towards not taking the things your dad says personally, seriously. Try to acknowledge that he's not informed and he isn't handling his emotions well. And that is in no way related to you or your identity. That's all on him.
God forbid, but if there comes a point where he gets physically abusive, make sure you have a plan to call the police and stay safe.
I can't whisk you away to some other household or even provide much comfort to the situation you're in, because it's one that usually doesn’t go away until people are grown. But I promise things will get better, Izzy.

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mmmm that moment when the active homicidal thoughts accidentally come out and you almost stab a guy

@saor_illust school

Izzy, I'm actually in a very similar situation. A homo/transphobic household with an aggressive dad. Living in fear and hiding everything. Tiptoeing on eggshells everytime you interact. I have a fearful family life too. And I know how bad it sucks, because we're basically powerless to do anything about it.
You're not alone. And this isn't all life is- being trapped behind a mask in an unfair house. I promise. There's so much more out there. We have to wait. Wait until you're out of the house and free. In the meantime, prepare for those days. Look forward to them. Remember that you have us and this space to take your mask off and release. And work towards not taking the things your dad says personally, seriously. Try to acknowledge that he's not informed and he isn't handling his emotions well. And that is in no way related to you or your identity. That's all on him.
God forbid, but if there comes a point where he gets physically abusive, make sure you have a plan to call the police and stay safe.
I can't whisk you away to some other household or even provide much comfort to the situation you're in, because it's one that usually doesn’t go away until people are grown. But I promise things will get better, Izzy.

thank you, i really, really needed that <3

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So, there's this kid who kept bothering me and my friends, so today was the final straw and I cursed him out. In my last class I broke down and started ranting about him. My teacher asked me to send her an email to send to the dean and I did.

The email:
Ben Huggins is a freshman white heterosexual cisgender man. I am a queer afab person who he has harassed me and my friends. He has never resorted to violence, but he scares me. I met him a few weeks ago while walking with my friend Angelina Summers when he interjected himself into our conversation. He introduced himself as a "white heterosexul cis male" when I introduced myself with my pronouns and I thought that "hey, this is a bit weird" and then he started to talk politics with me, I did not want to talk politics so I tried to excuse myself from the conversation. I thought that would be the end of it. It was not. On my walk from second to third period with two of my (also queer) friends, he came up to us. One of my friends asked him to please not talk to us because he had called him the f-slur, he replied with "I call everyone the f-slur" I should specify that when I wrote "f-slur" he actually said the slur. I asked him to leave us alone and he asked "oh why are you treating me with so much hostility?" I then left and turned my music on. I hoped that he would leave me and my friends alone. He didn't. Yesterday me and my friend were walking to my afterschool club when he went out of his way to come bother us. He literally went "hold on a second" to his friends before walking over to us. We walked faster and tried not to say anything. Today, walking with my friends (the ones from the f-slur incident) he came up to us. I got really mad because he tried to interject himself into our conversation even when we had told him multiple times to leave us alone. I did a bad thing and yelled at him to leave us alone, he responded with "Why are you treating me with such hostility?" again. He didn't say anything, but followed us. Now, as members of the queer communities and as people who are afab, we are so afraid of men walking behind us. He continued to follow us until we got to our classes. He scares me and I'm afraid he's going to end up finding me after school and such.

Everone in the class listened to me talk about him, and absolutley hates him. The queer kids in that class educated the cishet people about slurs and then they all agreed that if he tried to bother me again to find one of them.
After class, every kid in that class walked down to the car lane with me to protect me if he tried to talk to me :)

@Moxie group

I'll come Ash :)

That's super scary Reed. I'm glad you had a class and a teacher to back you up though, and I really hope the school does something about it

Deleted user

Hopefully the dean will do something about it
if not, I'm gonna hunt him down and cut his dick off :)