forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@Elder-God-Whisper work

looks at all of the aura check pics
Am I the only one with past shoulder length hair? I'll get a picture up in a sec…

Aaa no, mine's up in a ponytail but it does fall below the shoulder a bit

Nope, mine falls to my waist. I’m not putting my photo up just because I’m not getting a reading. SpookyJim sees me in real life so he’s already seen my aura. It’s aqua.

Deleted user

Me, gonna try and color match my aura: djakjsdudaj lemon yellow is such a vauge color becuase I am not cheerful


Me, gonna try and color match my aura: djakjsdudaj lemon yellow is such a vauge color becuase I am not cheerful

It's like a pastel lemon yellow, if that makes sense :)


Can someone tell me why we celebrate what page were on again? pretty sure I was the one who started it but I cant even remember

because we don't need a reason to celebrate :)

@furetakunai ac_unit

Can someone tell me why we celebrate what page were on again? pretty sure I was the one who started it but I cant even remember

Eh, just started with you celebrating page 100, then people kept going for whatever reason

Deleted user

Me, gonna try and color match my aura: djakjsdudaj lemon yellow is such a vauge color becuase I am not cheerful

It's like a pastel lemon yellow, if that makes sense :)

For logic and intellectual achievement, speculative abilities, versatility and mental dexterity, and a changeability or restlessness.

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Clear lemon yellow is the color of a focused mind and a sharp memory, of financial and business acumen, especially in speculation and technological expertise. Bright yellow is a color of joy and clear communication, and brilliant canary yellow suggests a potential actor or entertainer. Clear yellowy brown augurs a scientific or mathematical mind.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Irregular harsh streaks of yellow indicate hyperactivity, while mustard yellow may mask jealousy or resentment. A metallic yellow haze conceals less-than-honest intent and a tendency towards gambling. Sharp lemon yellow may be logical but may also represent a sharp, sarcastic tongue. Mustard yellow may also indicate spite, or a potential gossip. A very cold yellow may suggest that the head always rules the heart.

this is all I found

@larcenistarsonist group

I should have a picture up in around 15ish minutes. I'm in math right now using Notebook on my phone, but when I get to science next period I should be able to use my computer.

Deleted user

… I think logan doyle delted his account?

:O he did


goodbye and good riddance, logan


I'm actually really relieved they did
they'd dmed me when they came to the website, and would do so randomly
I'm very glad I don't have to deal with that anymore, they made me hella uncomfy

:0 they did the same thing with me and I never responded because I instantly just had a bad gut feeling


Me, gonna try and color match my aura: djakjsdudaj lemon yellow is such a vauge color becuase I am not cheerful

It's like a pastel lemon yellow, if that makes sense :)

For logic and intellectual achievement, speculative abilities, versatility and mental dexterity, and a changeability or restlessness.

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Clear lemon yellow is the color of a focused mind and a sharp memory, of financial and business acumen, especially in speculation and technological expertise. Bright yellow is a color of joy and clear communication, and brilliant canary yellow suggests a potential actor or entertainer. Clear yellowy brown augurs a scientific or mathematical mind.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Irregular harsh streaks of yellow indicate hyperactivity, while mustard yellow may mask jealousy or resentment. A metallic yellow haze conceals less-than-honest intent and a tendency towards gambling. Sharp lemon yellow may be logical but may also represent a sharp, sarcastic tongue. Mustard yellow may also indicate spite, or a potential gossip. A very cold yellow may suggest that the head always rules the heart.

this is all I found

The vibe I get is like
You're very open. You're a kind individual who trusts easily but is not to be fucked with.
You also get hurt easily.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm actually really relieved they did
they'd dmed me when they came to the website, and would do so randomly
I'm very glad I don't have to deal with that anymore, they made me hella uncomfy

:0 they did the same thing with me and I never responded because I instantly just had a bad gut feeling

I felt like I had to because I knew them on another site (I'm not afraid to say it was StoryWars cause you can't get on it without payment anymore, big sad :,( ) and I think it was me who accidently let them know about this, cause I told everyone to come over when the first big scare happened