forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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This is why people without an internal monologue fascinate me, because I spend every day thinking about literally anything.



I currently am feeling "boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, thats why I cry on company time" because I've not even been clocked in for 10 minutes and I've already cried

@PurplePartyTiger language

I currently am feeling "boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, thats why I cry on company time" because I've not even been clocked in for 10 minutes and I've already cried

Hey musicalqueen, you got this ok? Sending virtual hugs <3

@PurplePartyTiger language

I emerge from my cavern of solitude (and pool of constant work) to dispense wisdom, sympathy and positivity in earnest. Even though I suck at talking to humans. Because there's always someone worse off than I, so I hope a smile and a bit of laughter, or even just a listening ear, will help them along.
I'm off to work, be lovely to each other ❤

Deleted user

I currently am feeling "boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, thats why I cry on company time" because I've not even been clocked in for 10 minutes and I've already cried


@spacebluelily language

english teacher: do you wanna see the more brutal death of Myrtle Wilson?

us: yes

her: shows us the death scene from the 2000s version


Deleted user

Hi!! I’m not super active in general chats but I felt like sharing that I’m starting a job soon!! I’ve already completed most of the training for it and I’m starting in May!! Best part is, it’s for the local zoo!!

Deleted user



Have ya'll ever felt like your life was going down hill and then one major thing happened and you're like "oh, that makes sense", cause thats me right now

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

//TW//SH suicide parental death (Homophobia mabye?)\


@PurplePartyTiger language

My assumption is Schumann. Every time there's a nighttime spike or blackout I have trouble sleeping. There's been a data blackout for roughly 50 hours and that usually means a notable spike.

@PurplePartyTiger language

I would like to share this random story I keep thinking about and see what y'all think. Just a little thing I wanted to get out of my head.
This story is based off a beautiful song, Gleypa Okkur, and an image I can't find anymore.

It follows a young man, with short dark hair and fair skin, as he navigates his life in a small city. Everything is pale and almost colorless, except for the weak golden rays of the sun shining behind the skyline. He is never in them. Whenever the sun can be seen, he is in shadow.

He shows he is content to wait for anything. Time seems to be unimportant to him, as he waits in a line, sits quietly in a subway car, and trudges to his home. You can see him glance about with slow, tired eyes, as if searching for something. He reaches the complex where he makes his home, climbs a long set of stairs to his apartment, changes into pale nightclothes, and sits.

Across from him is a large, slightly open window, with pale curtains that flutter gently. Just behind the skyline peeks the sun, but the light is sliding up the wall above him, away from his unseeing face.

The skyline fades as the world slowly deepens to a melancholy blue. New buildings emerge; giant stone clocktowers, emitting a vibrant yellow light through their faces. The young man is surprised when he looks out the window, and makes his way back outside.

He finds purchase in the darkness beneath his feet, but the clocktowers seem to float unsupported in the never ending blue. His body casts a long shadow from the face of one right next to him, and he cranes his neck to see others that tower far above him. When he brings his eyes back down, they fix on a figure in the distance and widen, the whites of his eyes huge around dark irises.

He can see a young woman, with pale skin, white nightclothes, and short dark hair all similar to his own, facing away from him.

He races towards her, as the world seems to slow him down. He strains to move faster, as his arms claw the air and his feet kick up the dark ground beneath him. It ripples like a flag in the wind. His feet pedal the open air, and the clocktowers begin to lean.

Closer, closer, he reaches an arm out as she begins to turn –

His arm passes through her, stretched out in the air behind her. He floats silently before her, the only movement coming from his heaving chest.

She lifts her head, face obscured by her dark hair. The distant sound of gentle rain fills his ears and her form washes away, a watercolor sketch succumbing to oblivion.

His arm remains stretched out for a moment, reaching for something that isn't there, before it drops. He is drifting slowly downward, the world of the clocktowers fading away above him as he lowers into a deeper darkness. His form slowly tilts, turning horizontal as he comes to rest on an invisible bed. There is nothing but darkness for a moment.

Then you see his window again, framed by ragged curtains, fully open. The sun slips behind the distant skyline.


Adulting is weird and I don't like it. My brother just got me into investing and a RothIRA and I'm like "why are you trusting me with this? I'm literally spending my money on shark themed shoes and bags"

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I have had an idea for a Hatfields and McCoys/Romeo and Juliet au for my story Demon's Hunt.

The Thorns and the Wintergreans have been feuding for generations. So long that nobody even knows what the original fight was even about. Probably a good ol' land dispute, a fight over a fawn that was birthed by one of the Thorn mares (sired by a Wintergrean sire), or both.
I voted both!

William (W) and Cale (T) meet by chance out in public without knowing what families they come from.

One day, after a few months of dating, Cale is busy in his family's garden, gardening. He looks up to see William riding by on horseback on the Wintergrean side of the fence. Both are floored by the mutual discovery…. Eventually they decide that they don't give a fuck about the generations-old feud and continue seeing each other (ofc).

Cale is already in big trouble as it is for taking more interest in tending to gardens and animals than his father would like. Maaaaaybe the Thorns are known to be exceptional hunters? And Cale's father is upset that Cale doesn't go out hunting with him? But Cale is actually an exceptional hunter. Maybe better than his dad.

Honestly, other than the feuding families and "forbidden" love, not sure how to get more Romeo and juliet into this au…. Other than them faking their deaths to escape their families, and live their lives together.

Anyone got any ideas?

Here's one my friend thought of.
I was gonna suggest that maybe their fathers meet after Cale's father discovers them, and Cale's dad, in an attempt to save the family name, proposes the families merge their estates and end their feud by marrying William and Lucy (Cale's sister.)