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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

i know right!!!!
the first time i put on my glasses i had to keep taking them off because it hurt my brain to see all that detail
that has happened every time i need to get a new prescription
my question
will my vision just keep getting worse until im blind but not old??????
cause it gets worse fast
what am i doing wrong?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I wear glasses because I can’t wear contacts. Glasses are more in the Rory to a wide screen tv. They let you see all the detail and it’s hard to focus on one thing. And if it’s a new prescription, your head will hurt because your eyes are trying to adjust to something new that helps them see better and they struggle for a little bit. (Heaven forbid you have a light sensitivity. Then the headaches are worse) As for your vision getting worse, it should level out as you get older, because everything starts to slow down and stop growing. (Unless you have glaucoma, and that’s pretty serious) You’re not doing anything wrong your eyes are just changing. And that’s okay. Your vision might get worse, and you might get a new prescription. And that’s okay. Because I don’t think you’re going blind. When I was younger I was getting a new prescription every 6 months for about 2 years. I just recently got a new prescription after about a year and a half. And after this one, I won’t need a new one for years. Because I’ve stopped growing. I’ve had glasses since my 5th grade year, and now I’m a sophomore in college. So that’s about a decade of me wearing glasses. If you have any more questions about glasses I can help, but if you’re really really worried that you may be losing your vision or that something is wrong with your vision, I’d really recommend talking to your optometrist.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

From what little information I have I’m going to assume that it’s about Moby Dick and Captain Ahab.

i could not tell you, the trailer was awful, did not give anything about the plot , it was just naming the cast in between shots of an empty house and that's it lol

Interesting. I’m going to go look it up.


I have owned 4 different kinds of animals as pets (5, kind of). I used to have a parakeet named Lemon, I had a guinea pig named Lulu, I had a bearded dragon named Echo, and I currently have a dog (a Shih-Tzu) named Momo (like the lemur from Avatar: The Last Airbender). Oh, and as for the "kind of" 5th one, my dad used to feed the squirrels and they would actually come inside our house - we made sure they all got out at some point, of course.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I have owned 4 different kinds of animals as pets (5, kind of). I used to have a parakeet named Lemon, I had a guinea pig named Lulu, I had a bearded dragon named Echo, and I currently have a dog (a Shih-Tzu) named Momo (like the lemur from Avatar: The Last Airbender). Oh, and as for the "kind of" 5th one, my dad used to feed the squirrels and they would actually come inside our house - we made sure they all got out at some point, of course.

That's amazing lol

Deleted user

i love that show so much!!!
you should get another pet and name it Appa
and they can be besties!!!!!

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I just finished an amazing book series and now I'm re-reading the fourth book for probably the seventh time this week, as well as being depressed for a little bit 'cause the fifth books not coming out for two years -_-

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I definitely did not stay up till 3 am watching classic Disney movies lol
Also I forgot how good Mulan is
and the Lion King

Treasure Planet and Atlantis are where it’s at.


@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I just finished an amazing book series and now I'm re-reading the fourth book for probably the seventh time this week, as well as being depressed for a little bit 'cause the fifth books not coming out for two years -_-

Oooooo don’t be shy drop the series name

Stormlight Archive
I'm probably way overobsessed with them at this point…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I just finished an amazing book series and now I'm re-reading the fourth book for probably the seventh time this week, as well as being depressed for a little bit 'cause the fifth books not coming out for two years -_-

Oooooo don’t be shy drop the series name

Stormlight Archive
I'm probably way overobsessed with them at this point…

I’ll have to look into it!




We have some family over, and I got to drink some sparkling grape juice, which I have officially dubbed Sparkle Juice.

Also, I've had Dead Mom from Beetlejuice stuck in my head for h o u r s. Not complaining though. I really like that song!

Deleted user

i love lord of the rings
the books are better than the movies
because all books are

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I have been in the process of reading the first one for over a year and have not made it past like 7 chapters lol
I am determined tho!!!
I love the movies tho, like a lot

Deleted user

we have a rule in my family where you have to read the book before watching the movie
that way you can laugh at all the ways the producer got it wrong