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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I made my first sale today!!
So I've been working with flowers and doing lots of gardening/preserving flowers for like 3 years, and I'm trying to build an inventory of resin flower products, so like bookmarks, jewelry, that sort of thing.
And I made this gold-rimmed necklace with babies breath that I showed to my grandma and she liked it so I was gonna just give it to her but she like, forcibly bought it. so I have officially made my first sale in what I hope will be many at local festivals and craft fairs.
thanks, Grandma!


I got a random text from an old best friend who I haven't talked to in ages about something in some game we used to play and I feel dumb because whenever something like this happens, I get so hopeful that maybe this friendship is going to be rebuilt but I really try not to because I know it is just going to hurt more but I can't help it and I'm so confused help

Deleted user

And if they dont want to be your friend, dont force them. the worst thing to do is to make them feel guilty, because then they might be your friend only because they feel like they have to. the best thing to do is just wait and be nice (most of the time, it depends on the friend)


I wouldn't want to force a friendship that doesn't exist so I'm just going to be nice to her if we cross paths and see where it goes from there. It has been a while so I understand that we both have changed a lot and if nothing happens at least there won't be any bad blood.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Okay so I'm in an online Public Speaking course and we had to record a video introducing ourselves and talking about ourselves for like a minute or two and it took me 20 FREAKIN TAKES WHY AM I LIKE THIS
I finally got it tho and, as with any public speaking, I a already overthinking it lol

Deleted user

Any ideas on how to tell one of my best friends she's a little bossy?

@JustALostM book

I need new glasses. I got punched in the face while playin basket ball at gym period and my glasses bent so bad it scratched me near my eye. Went home early after that tho

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Okay, fellow college students, I gots a question
for textbooks do y'all prefer e-books or paper?
I freakin HATE e-books, they hurt my eyes, I can't focus, I don't learn as much, they're awful. BUT.
I'm brokus. and my college does this thing where the e-textbook is like, significantly marked down through the class.
SO I USE THEM cos I'm not boutta pay an UNHOLY AMOUNT for a hard copy book I'm using for a single term, but now I'm stuck with an e-book. I hate.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay, fellow college students, I gots a question
for textbooks do y'all prefer e-books or paper?
I freakin HATE e-books, they hurt my eyes, I can't focus, I don't learn as much, they're awful. BUT.
I'm brokus. and my college does this thing where the e-textbook is like, significantly marked down through the class.
SO I USE THEM cos I'm not boutta pay an UNHOLY AMOUNT for a hard copy book I'm using for a single term, but now I'm stuck with an e-book. I hate.