forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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there is someone I want to talk to (to apologise for something) but I haven't spoken to them in a while so I spend every night hyping myself up and then the moment I see them the next day all the doubts come back
so I get stuck in this endless cycle and I wonder if I will ever find the courage to just speak

I had a wave of courage (or maybe it was stupidity) come over me yesterday so I sent a text and ended up speaking to them today and it wasn't brilliant or terrible.
It was just sort of a neutral response which kind of made me realise how insignificant I am in their life right now even though my brain keeps running through memories of us.
I thought it would be easier to let go of it all if I gave an apology of some sort but now I find myself going through the same process as a year ago when it all happened.
And now I don't know what to do with all of these leftover memories because all they do is haunt my mind.
(and I realise this is probably me being dramatic but this is how it feels to me in this moment)

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

ugh I am almost done with Christmas shopping but I still have no idea what to get my best friend for Christmas. I feel awful abt it too, like she's my best friend, one of the most important people in the world to me, and I can't even decide what to get her.


Three things
1) I am pissed because I am one of those people who says Merry Christmas ironically throughout most of the year but now I can't say it without people thinking I'm saying it un-ironically and I'm pissed
2) I have two finals tomorrow and I want to absolutely sob because I want this semester to be over, and I haven't been able to do basic self care due to the stress of finals week
3) I thrifted a pair of Doc Martens on Saturday for $15 and that is basically the only thing that is keeping me going

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

  1. I have that same problem. So throughout the year I started saying merry crisis instead of Christmas and now I’m like halfway out of the hole.
  2. Keep pushing homie. You’re almost there. I believe in you.
  3. That is dope. I got a pair of brand new sky blue converse recently for 10 bucks from a goodwill and I was like 👀 I’m taking these.

@Darkblossom group

I just finished my ballet show so now it's time for post-show depression! For two whole weeks I get to be sad that I'm not hanging out with my friends constantly and get anxiety over the future!

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

So I just got home from taking my sister's friend home. The drive from my house to her house involves passing an operational mental hospital and asylum, lots of isolated, windy roads, and unfortunately slushy/snowy patches.
It was damn near pitch black the whole way AND THEN MY CAR STARTS ACTING UP
I thought I'd gotten a flat so I started getting nervous and my sister noticed it too but didn't say anything until I did (trying to not worry me, love you sis) and it was scary.
Like actually I was scared shitless.
and her friend is not helping cos shes like "What if you break down on a dark road or by the asylum lol"
When we got there I had the friend's dad help me check and everything was fine, but still.
oh and on the way home three raccoons ran in front of me and almost gave me a heart attack so yeah.

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I'm VERY depressed because the villain in my story is TERRIBLE and isn't working whatsoever. He's very flat and he has no relationships and I HATE HIM and I don't know how to fix him
SoMeOnE hElP mEeEeE

@Starfast group

^ I don't have any advice, but I totally sympathize. Villains are always the hardest characters for me to write. I feel like I can never quite give them a motive that feels believable enough.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I'm VERY depressed because the villain in my story is TERRIBLE and isn't working whatsoever. He's very flat and he has no relationships and I HATE HIM and I don't know how to fix him
SoMeOnE hElP mEeEeE

I suffered the same problem, the character existed for four years before I figured out how to fix it. My problem was in the backstory, or lack thereof. figuring out what happened in the past rlly helped with his dynamics and gave us some really good material to build a motive around. He developed from a horribly flat, 2-d villain that was bad just for the sake of needing a villain, to a dynamic, complex character with a motive that fit with his backstory.
We went with a blackmail sort-of situation that led to him working for some very unsavory people. Eventually he got so used to his way of life working for them that he became desensitized and started acting that way of his own accord.
Maybe that could help? Idk what exactly is giving you trouble but I totally relate. Villains are a pain in the butt to write and it's dumb lol
I can't promise I'll be super helpful but feel free to PM me if you want

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

I'm VERY depressed because the villain in my story is TERRIBLE and isn't working whatsoever. He's very flat and he has no relationships and I HATE HIM and I don't know how to fix him
SoMeOnE hElP mEeEeE

I suffered the same problem, the character existed for four years before I figured out how to fix it. My problem was in the backstory, or lack thereof. figuring out what happened in the past rlly helped with his dynamics and gave us some really good material to build a motive around. He developed from a horribly flat, 2-d villain that was bad just for the sake of needing a villain, to a dynamic, complex character with a motive that fit with his backstory.
We went with a blackmail sort-of situation that led to him working for some very unsavory people. Eventually he got so used to his way of life working for them that he became desensitized and started acting that way of his own accord.
Maybe that could help? Idk what exactly is giving you trouble but I totally relate. Villains are a pain in the butt to write and it's dumb lol
I can't promise I'll be super helpful but feel free to PM me if you want

I'll keep this in mind - I've figured out that part of the problem is from lack of relationships and backstory. I might still PM you later but that's good advice :)

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

I'll keep this in mind - I've figured out that part of the problem is from lack of relationships and backstory. I might still PM you later but that's good advice :)

Oof yeah relationships is a rough one.
Yeah, my PMs are alway open for writing chat :)
Good luck!!

Deleted user

im super depressed bc no matter how hard i try, i just cant find motivation to write any of my books and when i finally sit down to start writing nothing comes out!
and i feel like all my charecters are just kinda bland, like, nothing super interesting is happening with them
its so annoying

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

im super depressed bc no matter how hard i try, i just cant find motivation to write any of my books and when i finally sit down to start writing nothing comes out!
and i feel like all my charecters are just kinda bland, like, nothing super interesting is happening with them
its so annoying

Isn't that part of why you haven't worked on Love is Love in a while?

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

im super depressed bc no matter how hard i try, i just cant find motivation to write any of my books and when i finally sit down to start writing nothing comes out!
and i feel like all my charecters are just kinda bland, like, nothing super interesting is happening with them
its so annoying

Ugh big mood. That sucks

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm VERY depressed because the villain in my story is TERRIBLE and isn't working whatsoever. He's very flat and he has no relationships and I HATE HIM and I don't know how to fix him
SoMeOnE hElP mEeEeE

What is your villain’s motivation?
What power does he possess to get it?
And how can you make him fall short every time, making him distraught?
This give your villain motivation, but also makes him insane from his past failures. Make him a man so mad and hungry for his goal that he will quite literally do anything to get his way. Borderline war crimes is the way to go. Anyways that’s what I learned in my creative writing class. I’m always open to a pm if you need help.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Meanwhile I had an idea for a one shot that woke me up at 2am.
A woman with an unnatural affinity with plants dies in child birth while giving birth to two sons. The husband is distraught, but does his best to raise these two young boys. One day he meets another woman who lost her husband, and they get together and remarry. The woman who he remarries takes on the role of mother to these very young boys and she knows nothing about being a mom. One day she’s outside and realizes that nothing outside never seemed to hurt the young boys. She begins to realize that the children’s mother was Mother Nature in the flesh and when she died, she became the earth once again. The woman realizes this and does her very best to keep the boys outside and loving the air and sun and ground, because she knows their mother, Mother Nature wants to be in their life as much as she can, by giving everything that she can do nature wise to her boys. Such as making the grass soft, the birds always singing, and the bugs always helpful and never biting her sons. And the story is told through the eyes of the man and I tell of his grief and and uncertainty, and then the woman that had slowly begun to realize, and then I’d switch to the perspective of the boys, when they were old enough to fully understand that their mother was always with them. And then I’d end the one shot with the woman that realized Mother Earth was the boy’s mother, dying and waking up in a beautiful field with flowers (Howl’s Moving Castle esque) and Mother Earth coming up to her and giving her such a warm embrace and then saying, “thank you for taking care of my sons. You did a good job. You can rest now.”

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Meanwhile I had an idea for a one shot that woke me up at 2am.
A woman with an unnatural affinity with plants dies in child birth while giving birth to two sons. The husband is distraught, but does his best to raise these two young boys. One day he meets another woman who lost her husband, and they get together and remarry. The woman who he remarries takes on the role of mother to these very young boys and she knows nothing about being a mom. One day she’s outside and realizes that nothing outside never seemed to hurt the young boys. She begins to realize that the children’s mother was Mother Nature in the flesh and when she died, she became the earth once again. The woman realizes this and does her very best to keep the boys outside and loving the air and sun and ground, because she knows their mother, Mother Nature wants to be in their life as much as she can, by giving everything that she can do nature wise to her boys. Such as making the grass soft, the birds always singing, and the bugs always helpful and never biting her sons. And the story is told through the eyes of the man and I tell of his grief and and uncertainty, and then the woman that had slowly begun to realize, and then I’d switch to the perspective of the boys, when they were old enough to fully understand that their mother was always with them. And then I’d end the one shot with the woman that realized Mother Earth was the boy’s mother, dying and waking up in a beautiful field with flowers (Howl’s Moving Castle esque) and Mother Earth coming up to her and giving her such a warm embrace and then saying, “thank you for taking care of my sons. You did a good job. You can rest now.”

that was an experience 😍
wish I could read that for the first time again, beautiful