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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I would spend lots and lots of time with the ducks! 'What did you do over the weekend?' 'Oh, nothing much, just QUACK! * Ahem * I mean, uh…'

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Here's my 12-step plan for world domination via duck:
Phase I: Anatidaephobia
Watch top-ranking members of world governments, specifically prominent figures in the Departments of Agriculture. Learn their secrets.
Phase II: Supplies
Using these secrets, blackmail the people in charge of the seeds. Get lots of seeds to prepare our legions for doomsday.
Phase III: Production
To gain more supplies, each duck will periodically donate a few feathers to my new down pillow company. Profits soar, and we're able to purchase more supplies for our attack.
Phase IV: Wild Duck Chase
By now, people will be getting suspicious, and conspiracy theories will be popping up. Our red herring plans will follow these theories to the letter, and the governments will prepare for the wrong events.
Phase V: Forging
Winter has fallen, and where do the ducks go? My underground factory, of course, where ducks prepare armor and equipment for the war.
Phase VI: Laying Low
During the winter, the terror dies down, and people think it's over. Spring arrives, and we continue to stockpile supplies.
Phase VII: Chaos Begins
A few ducks begin causing general chaos in world capitals. The population is unsettled.
Phase VIII: The Attack
The ducks attack, beginning in Washington D.C. They quickly take control of the U.S. Government, providing them with access to more seeds and weapons.
Phase IX: The Duck Overlords
We enslave all humans in the U.S, sparing only those I choose. A prominent figure I spare is the Twitch streamer known as Quackity, saved for his name only, and he is appointed as my second-in-command.
Phase X: World Domination
With a surplus of seeds, my ever-expanding duck army takes over the rest of North and South America, and repeats the process there. From there, they spread to the rest of the world, enslaving all humans and forcing them to live only on bread.
Phase XI: The Aftermath
The lucky humans I've spared and I use slave labor to build a mansion in what was once Tokyo. We have ducks as servants, and pay them in seeds.
Phase XII: The Culling
We quickly realize that climate change is still an issue, and I order my ducks to kill half of the population. The bodies are used as fertilizer for more seed growth.

Deleted user

I got really bored and kind of lonely and started talking to a traffic cone. His name is Lysannder, he does not like the color orange and he was made in a traffic cone factory so he doesn't have a mom.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

This is a bit personal

But well my mom and stepdad are going through a divorce and well, I'm a bit conflicted, On one side I'm glad they're finally splitting up due my stepdad physically abusing my mom, breaking our stuff and everything was so peaceful when he was off at work but on the other hand My younger brother is very close to him, due my stepdad being his father and I don't want him to be hurt and he still lives with us and, It stressed me out to the point of becoming anxious while he comes near me He never physically harmed me but I still hate and fear him. He has an outburst in a month but I'm still scared and I just want him out of my life

@Pizzaz11 group

Why have I suddenly started Getting notification emails from this chat…

Because the admin updated the notifications or something, you can turn the email option off in settings I think