forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I spent an hour yesterday crying over a plushie, I lack the motivation to watch One Piece, I've been wearing the same shirt since Friday and every time I cough I taste blood in the back of my throat so anyway how are you guys


Also I've just discovered that I apparently wrote a Harry Potter fanfiction at some point in my life. I just discovered it in the dark corners of my middle school Dropbox.
Dare I open it. I am afraid XD


So today I was crying because my mother gave us a very small warning before announcing we were going to have pictures taken and I have a really really low body image and self esteem and I need to either be dressing up as like a fantasy person or something or I need a week to mentally prep myself before I can have actual pictures of me taken in order to not freak out. So the hour or two we were given to prep was stent with me frantically trying to think of something to wear with freaking out and panicking resulting in many many tears and then my face was red and my eye's were swollen from crying and then it's picture time and I'm just miserable and freaking out and in a hoodie and sweat pants still.
And the entire time Mom's acting as if everything is fine and It's the worst and then she got mad at me because she asked if we could all move to a different location and I said No, I'm done. So she got mad but like, why ask if you don't want the answer. So she tried to guilt trip me which just resulted in me crying again.
And then after it's all over she was like "Relsey, Why did you ruin all of our pictures by glaring, Pictures are really important to me I really enjoy having something to look at and you just didn't think about my needs and wants and were just focusing on yourself." Like, number one My eye's are nearly swollen shut, I wasn't glaring that's just what my face looks like right now, Two, I'm the one being selfish and not thinking about your needs? Last I checked I was the one in the middle of a break down who was being ignored. Yes one of us here wasn't taking other people's needs into consideration when they should have been but it wasn't me.

Any way that's the story of why my Mom isn't talking to me right now and also why I am not the slightest bit upset by it. It's actually probably the best thing she's done all year.

@redwood eco

Ah, I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Personally, I am not a fan of pictures either, which is why I don't really have any of me. And in most, I flat out refuse to smile or even look at the camera. And the guilt-tripping is also something that I experience, my father would do it to me a lot, with stuff like "Fujita, you keep ruining the photos and you're upsetting everyone."
…I hated that one. Because no matter how much I told him I didn't like photos, my feelings didn't count and I always had to fake a smile. Fake smiles are always uglier because they're lopsided, and it doesn't help that I'm unattractive to begin with.

But anyways, if your mother not talking to you is something you see as good, I'm glad it's happening. 👍

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So today I was crying because my mother gave us a very small warning before announcing we were going to have pictures taken and I have a really really low body image and self esteem and I need to either be dressing up as like a fantasy person or something or I need a week to mentally prep myself before I can have actual pictures of me taken in order to not freak out. So the hour or two we were given to prep was stent with me frantically trying to think of something to wear with freaking out and panicking resulting in many many tears and then my face was red and my eye's were swollen from crying and then it's picture time and I'm just miserable and freaking out and in a hoodie and sweat pants still.
And the entire time Mom's acting as if everything is fine and It's the worst and then she got mad at me because she asked if we could all move to a different location and I said No, I'm done. So she got mad but like, why ask if you don't want the answer. So she tried to guilt trip me which just resulted in me crying again.
And then after it's all over she was like "Relsey, Why did you ruin all of our pictures by glaring, Pictures are really important to me I really enjoy having something to look at and you just didn't think about my needs and wants and were just focusing on yourself." Like, number one My eye's are nearly swollen shut, I wasn't glaring that's just what my face looks like right now, Two, I'm the one being selfish and not thinking about your needs? Last I checked I was the one in the middle of a break down who was being ignored. Yes one of us here wasn't taking other people's needs into consideration when they should have been but it wasn't me.

Any way that's the story of why my Mom isn't talking to me right now and also why I am not the slightest bit upset by it. It's actually probably the best thing she's done all year.

I know I'm supposed to be in radio dark mode, to hide from my father, but Rels, my Pms are always open, and if you have the urge or you need to talk to someone, I can zoom if you feel like it. It's your choice, and whatever you decide, I will support your decision. Now Imma go back into radio dark mode bc I can't let my dad find my phone or me anywhere near it. I love you all, and I'll be back real soon.