forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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That was stressful
just finished my AP physics Final, Feeling pretty good about it.
Now I have to prep for my AP Gov final which is in… 2 hours lovely

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have a lot of extra credit to do, and make up work to do in the next few hours if I'm going to pass physics with a B which is necessary.
High chance of death
Little chance of success
What am I waiting for.

Yooooo Dom can back me up on this, but that was really close to Gimli's line when they were breaking out of Helm's Deep if I recall. But Rels, you got this! I'm rooting for ya!


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm just wondering here, but like if anyone is up for it, I wanna know what I look like to you guys from what you guys get from me. Like drawing wise. Draw me, as you imagine me. Uh if you want to do it you can, feel free, just know if you do, I will treasure it forever and it will be very beautiful to me. I'm just trying to gather data here. I'm running an experiment, and your input will be very helpful. I would much appreciate. That's my little thing for the night. Goodnight me lads/lassies/and family in arms

@Space group

Guys something super scary just happened to me. I was walking into my kitchen, perfectly fine, but suddenly I got really weak and my vision blackened. I got dizzy and couldn't stand and collapsed on the floor. Low blood sugar is normal for me since I barely eat, but this was different. My vision went entirely black and my whole body just started twitching and shaking…. Im really scared I still feel a little weak, but its almost like my memory doesnt recall it happening. almost like a dream