forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I've never seen that side of youtube because all of my recommendations are filled with game OST's and gameplay/game lore/general game knowledge. Basically my recommendations are just games.

Mine go from artsy, to videogame/movie/anime music, to baseball tik toks, to Attack on Titan. And that's where it stays.

@redwood eco

Yeah, I kinda just watch the same 3-4 people on youtube, so my recommendations really don't waver far. I'm pretty sure my youtube thinks I'm Australian though–

@Eli_ group

the youtube algorithim on my tv thinks i'm obsessed with jjba
which is actually good , because i am

"Obsessed" is an understatement.
Whenever I come into the den, I either find you crying over a Kakyoin meme or trying to do the Torture Dance.

@probablypolnareff language

the youtube algorithim on my tv thinks i'm obsessed with jjba
which is actually good , because i am

"Obsessed" is an understatement.
Whenever I come into the den, I either find you crying over a Kakyoin meme or trying to do the Torture Dance.

DHDBKJHDWQKHIQ sTop calling me o u t

@probablypolnareff language

haaah i started thinking about the events of this morning ( with google shuttin down n stuff ) and i swear to god it's still weirding me out
also i swear i didn't panic over a search engine i -

@probablypolnareff language

it started back up a while ago , for me at least
but i got v nervous since i'm using a school computer ( google shutting down meant our district emails didn't work ; i couldn't log into my computer for a good hour or so )

@Eli_ group

i was mid panic attack when i tried logging in for the millionth time

Can confirm. Ai and I live together, so I witnessed that panic attack first hand.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

i was mid panic attack when i tried logging in for the millionth time

Can confirm. Ai and I live together, so I witnessed that panic attack first hand.

I was ready to start doing what I do best if it didn't come back. I was ready to start doing things the Alaskan way. My way, or the hiiiigggghhhhhhwwwwwaaaaayyyyyyyyyy

@Eli_ group

eli has witnessed my life go wrong in so many ways , i'm sure he could list each way i've been hit with bad luck

Indeed I can. I've dedicated every mishap of your life to memory, Ai.

@Eli_ group

Ai and I both had no idea Google had shut down until our school called us and let us know the situation…
…After Ai had tried to call them like 3 times tops.

@probablypolnareff language

each time i called the school to figure out wtf was happening , i was sent to voicemail after i got through with the pre - recorded messages n stuff
it sucked bc i was seriously panicking at that point

@Eli_ group

each time i called the school to figure out wtf was happening , i was sent to voicemail after i got through with the pre - recorded messages n stuff
it sucked bc i was seriously panicking at that point

Also, I still have no clue why you were panicking over a search engine, Ai, but at least it's back up, right?

@probablypolnareff language

each time i called the school to figure out wtf was happening , i was sent to voicemail after i got through with the pre - recorded messages n stuff
it sucked bc i was seriously panicking at that point

Also, I still have no clue why you were panicking over a search engine, Ai, but at least it's back up, right?

yeah :')))
now stop acting like ur my dad , and let's listen to more gorillaz so we don't spam the chat with our antics n all -