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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I keep on overhearing this one kid in my class making a bunch of sexist, ableist, and homophobic jokes, and if he jokingly says "Go back to the kitchen, woman!" one more time, I am going to loose it. Teachers keep on ignoring him or just not hearing him, and my friends never notice it. HOW DOES NO ONE ELSE HEAR HIM SAY THIS STUFF-

He either needs the crap beat of him, or he's majorly insecure about something…. Okay, in retrospect it could also be both.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I keep on overhearing this one kid in my class making a bunch of sexist, ableist, and homophobic jokes, and if he jokingly says "Go back to the kitchen, woman!" one more time, I am going to loose it. Teachers keep on ignoring him or just not hearing him, and my friends never notice it. HOW DOES NO ONE ELSE HEAR HIM SAY THIS STUFF-

He either needs the crap beat of him, or he's majorly insecure about something…. Okay, in retrospect it could also be both.

If it's a guy, he's compensating for something. Either his looks or his pp size. Trust me. It's one or the other. Well for me it's always been like that…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have no idea what it means to "Christmas tree" something.

Waiting until last minute, so to speak.

Waiting until the last possible second and doing the thing you've procrastinated on very crappily and saying the garbage will do. Since it is Christmas time it is therefore called Christmas treeing.

@furetakunai ac_unit

I see it as another teenage boy who likes to go with things that are popularly/commonly joked about and does not see that joking about those things is in no way okay. Rather, he thinks it makes him funny and cool. But there's only so much that can be understood from psychoanalyzing a person.

Either way, Username, you should probably report his behaviour to someone higher up at your school like the headmaster. It would hopefully be more listened to if reported there.

Deleted user

I keep on overhearing this one kid in my class making a bunch of sexist, ableist, and homophobic jokes, and if he jokingly says "Go back to the kitchen, woman!" one more time, I am going to loose it. Teachers keep on ignoring him or just not hearing him, and my friends never notice it. HOW DOES NO ONE ELSE HEAR HIM SAY THIS STUFF-

He either needs the crap beat of him, or he's majorly insecure about something…. Okay, in retrospect it could also be both.

If it's a guy, he's compensating for something. Either his looks or his pp size. Trust me. It's one or the other. Well for me it's always been like that…

Ok, that makes a lot of sense. He's actually the shortest person in the grade and is pretty skinny, so I guess that that's where his insecurity is coming from.

Deleted user

Nah, I have many school assignments that are due tomorrow and some that are overdue, but my brain still isn't giving me my motivation, so I'm stuck in a half-panic half-calm type of situation so I definitely have a lot to do.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I'm aware of the change of tense issue, just not quite sure on how to fix it. I'm also aware of the overuse of "said".)

Everything was black. Everyone was running, screaming.
“Run, Fala!” my mother yelled. I raced to the horses as my father prepared my horse.
“I need you to take them to the safe hold,” my father said. I stared at him.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Fala, don’t look back; never look back,” he said, handed me the reins, and pulled me into a hug. I swung into the saddle.
“Don’t look back,” my father whispered as I rode off into the dark with the others.

It took five days of riding until we reached the safe hold.
“Halt!” an elven guard yelled. I pulled the group into a stop.
“Who are you?” the guard asked.
“I am Fala; Princess of the Forest Elves.”
“What is your business here?” he asked.
“We are looking for shelter; our homes were attacked in the middle of the night,” I responded.
“You may enter,” the guard said. I unmounted my horse, and led my people in.
“Fala!” Lilly yelled, seeing me. She was my aunt. I walked past her, leading my horse into the stables. I walked out to see her standing there.
“Fala, where are-?”
“Dead; they stayed behind,” I said, removing my cloak. She stared at me. I hadn’t seen my aunt in years.
“You’re so grown up; your hair,” she said. My hair was black, brown and red. I had grown up, and now I would become the leader.
“We need to call a meeting of the Elven Council. Can you do that?” I asked. My aunt nodded, and I headed to a room to change. I searched through my old clothes, only finding jeans and a shirt; it would have to do. I braided my hair, and traced the scar on my arm. I wouldn’t look back; I would move on.
“Fala, they’re ready.,”
I went out to the Great Room.
“Hello, Fala,” Peter said, seeing me.
“I’m not here on a social visit,” I said as I opened the Great Doors. The Elders turned. Seeing me, a great uproar occurred; The Council never really approved of me.
“Why is she here?” one of them yelled.
“Listen! My parents are dead. I am now in charge of my people, and I am going to declare war!” I said. I would not let them beat me down.
“You can't declare war; you've no army!” Lilly yelled.
“I do not need an army. Those who will follow me are welcome; those who wish to stay at peace may stay,” I snapped.
“And how do you plan to declare war?” Tritain asked.
“In an hour I will be riding out. I will come across the camp, and will kill all but one. That one survivor will return to its kind with a message,” I announced.
“You are destructive!” Lilly yelled. I turned on her.
“At least I can get things done without cowering behind others; asking them for help,” I stated.
“You can’t do this!” Lilly snapped.
“I don’t need your permission,” I said back. The Elders knew that once I had a plan I wouldn’t stop until it was done.
“Fala, you may do what you want,” Evon said.
“Thank you,” I said, bowing and walking out.
“Are you insane?” Peter yelled behind me.
“You could die!”
“Thanks for the warning,” I said as I opened the stable door.
“Fala, you can’t,” he says grabbing my shoulder. I turned on him, and put my knife to his throat.
“I will, and I can. I trusted them, and thought that they were my friends. This is my fault, and now I’m going to fix it!” I said. He stared at me as I removed the knife from his throat. I mounted Raka. She was my friend, and the fastest horse we had. Other than the white moon on her forehead, she was pitch black.
“Fala,” Peter pleaded. He reached for my hand, but I kicked Raka into a run.

I unmounted Raka as I found the camp, and she ran off. I pulled my cloak’s hood up around my face, and raced into the camp. I grabbed a piece of burning wood, tossed it on to the nearest tent, and watched as it erupted into flames. I held my sword at the ready as people came running out.
“Kill all but one!” I ordered.
“P-please don’t,” a boy pleaded.
“Tell your leader that she has sparked a war that will end in her death!” I say. As I turn, the boy goes to attack me. I spin around;, slicing his hand off. I whistled and Raka came running to me. I swung onto her back.
“Tell your leader that she has been warned!” I yelled while riding off back to the safe hold.

“You have an army Fala,” Peter says. I look at him.
“What do you mean?”
“We’re willing to follow you to the death, My Lady,” Dread says.
“How many?” I ask.
“There’s 15 of us. Me, Dread, and some of your people that followed your parents,” Peters says.
“Bring only what you need; we leave in two days,” I order.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh just wanted to let you guys know I feel emotions through words and people and even though I don't know you guys personally I can still feel your pain and joy from hundreds of miles away. And I see them as colors. It's basically an empathy link I've attached to you guys and it gives me feelings every now and then. It's how I respond so fast most of the time. I just feel it.