forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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My memory goes to ways:

I remember certain scenarios in extreme detail and can repeat what you just said with only a few errors


I check the time and then forget it so I check it again but I forget it again so I check it again but forget it again and… I think you get the point

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm supposed to create a piece of original music for my AP Symphonic band class but everything that I've tried always ends up sounding like Mia and Sebastian's theme from La La Land and I'm angry with it. So rn I'm just fiddling around on the piano trying to make music that can't be copywritedddddd


OK, so you know at the beginning, when he's in the arcade and he discovers that the Tron arcade console game thingy is actually hiding a secret door?

Deleted user

That would be wicked! I need to re-watch that movie, it's been too long.


That would be wicked! I need to re-watch that movie, it's been too long.

Me: Please, please do
Everyone else on Notebook who has witnessed me spouting Tron quotes: DON'T

Deleted user

That would be wicked! I need to re-watch that movie, it's been too long.

Me: Please, please do
Everyone else on Notebook who has witnessed me spouting Tron quotes: DON'T

That's literally my family! XD
The DON'T WATCH part, I don't think they'd ever beg me to watch.

Deleted user


@Elder-God-Whisper work


I want to learn German! (Well, it’s technically Dutch, but no one would understand if I said Dutch, so…)


Some times I'm on the internet all day and I forget that I live in a small town in the middle of no where.
And then I'm forced to interact with people. and when I protest against activities like watching a movie that will cause a panic attack for me, they look at me with disgust and tell me to suck it up and invalidate me and belittle me until I say fine watch the movie. then go home a cry barley keeping my self from having a panic attack over knowing that I'm going to be in a situation that will most likely cause one. It's just a solid reminder that I live in a small minded community.

Deleted user

Oh, dude, that sucks. You shouldn’t have to do things that will harm your physical and/or mental health for anyone, regardless of circumstance.

@nebula__ group

Some times I'm on the internet all day and I forget that I live in a small town in the middle of no where.
And then I'm forced to interact with people. and when I protest against activities like watching a movie that will cause a panic attack for me, they look at me with disgust and tell me to suck it up and invalidate me and belittle me until I say fine watch the movie. then go home a cry barley keeping my self from having a panic attack over knowing that I'm going to be in a situation that will most likely cause one. It's just a solid reminder that I live in a small minded community.

oh man, i feel bad for you- i went through a similar thing when i used to live in Florida, but whenever i had a panic attack these two teachers would tell me "you can control it, you're just not trying" and "you're fine, you don't need any help"
my math teacher in Florida once pulled a crappy move on a guy who was trying to help me when i was having a major panic attack
the boy in my class was telling my math teacher that i was having a panic attack (he knows what they look like, he witnessed my very first one and helped me) and the teacher said "sit down, she's fine"
like,,, i was legit on the verge of going unconscious due to my brain and nerves going awry and she's just like "stop interrupting my class, get your butt in your seat"


Do y'all think if aliens come to earth, we'd have to explain why we made dozens of movies in which we fight and kill them?

yes you would :)