forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

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"Who have I not hit yet today?"
"All right everybody, start punching!"
"My worst fear is administration walking in while I'm teaching you guys how to hit each other."

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

It was so funny. She just looked flabbergasted.

Tw suicide

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "…and they were cracking eggs behind the TV."
  • "Aw, he smells like Oobleck and eggrolls."
  • "He [the father] told me my baby looked like when SpongeBob went to the dance with those long legs!"

@im-with-stoopid pets

Chemistry prof casually giving us the most unhinged quotes I've heard in a while-

  • "Oh, yeah. You can separate the copper from the zinc, but if you do it wrong, you die."

  • "Don't drink the chemicals. They are not tasty."

  • "I'm serious - the first step creates a poisonous gas that will kill everyone in this room."

  • "Have you ever seen hair catch fire? By the time you realize, you've already lost half of it."

  • "Are you eating sand?"