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Started by @Low_Mein

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Deleted user

What plans do you guys have for the summer?

@Pickles group

That's so late….. I have band most of the summer, visiting grandparents, and we're going to Canada for a week. And in a few weeks I have a flute intensive that I'm PUMPED for. And no summer work this time

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Honestly, I want to sit home and not do anything. My family is busy 24/7, and I rarely get to relax. Of course, this probably isn't going to happen and I'll be doing things every day and I have no idea what.

Deleted user

Guess who is gonna sing duett tomorrow in front of a crowded church? ME.

Deleted user

Guess who is super nervous about that? ME.


That's so late….. I have band most of the summer, visiting grandparents, and we're going to Canada for a week. And in a few weeks I have a flute intensive that I'm PUMPED for. And no summer work this time

Ehhhh! I live in Canada haha

Deleted user

Thanks! I hope I will… I sing pretty good, but I tend to sound bad when I’m nervous…

Deleted user

Ugh my confirmation is tomorrow and I’m nervous

Deleted user

Yeah, maybe… it’s not that much the confirmation I’m nervous about, it’s more the singing… I have never sung in front of that many people before.

Deleted user

Guess who is gonna sing duett tomorrow in front of a crowded church? ME.

Update on this: It went great! I freaking slayed that song (in a positive way lol) and even though I sang duett the other girl sang so quietly that it was almost like I sung solo and it sounded awesome with the cool acoustics of the church.

@Pickles group

Other people: wow the kardashians make me feel insecure
Me: sobbing because Malina Weissman is literally only a few weeks older than me and is gorgeous and talented and doing something with her life and I'm not doing anything
in other news, I think I wanna be a person that helps veterans with ptsd


Guess who is gonna sing duett tomorrow in front of a crowded church? ME.

Update on this: It went great! I freaking slayed that song (in a positive way lol) and even though I sang duett the other girl sang so quietly that it was almost like I sung solo and it sounded awesome with the cool acoustics of the church.

Awesome!! I'm glad it went well!!!

Deleted user

Guess who is gonna sing duett tomorrow in front of a crowded church? ME.

Update on this: It went great! I freaking slayed that song (in a positive way lol) and even though I sang duett the other girl sang so quietly that it was almost like I sung solo and it sounded awesome with the cool acoustics of the church.

Awesome!! I'm glad it went well!!!


Deleted user

Um, so I know I haven’t posted any pictures of myself like some of you have or even my real name, but… if you wanna hear me sing, I posted it on this chat. I don’t even know why I am saying this right now. I’m just gonna… leave…

Deleted user

I might post something else later that is more recent as soon as I have found some time to do it and a good song lol