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Started by @Low_Mein

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Anyone willing to read over for a friend of mine?

Sure, maybe later!


So I read as far as I could… it wanted me to continue in app and since I’m on a school device I can’t do that. It seems really good! If I’m gonna give some feedback tho… maybe tell about why her powers are what they are a bit earlier? And kinda explain more about what was going on at that train station when they called the police and stuff? I only read, like, the first chapter. But anyhow, that’s my thoughts on it. Other than that, it was really good! I really loved the chemistry between Beckett and Lyyn…

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Fam… it’s finally weekend! What are ya’ll gonna do?

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  1. Go fishing with my dad
  2. Go to the circus with my brother since it's coming to town

Seems fun!

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  1. Procrastinate
  2. Not do anything

aka what weekends are for


I wish weekends were for that but as I said
One busy gal
These are just my normal day-to-day things
School, which is 7am to 3pm
Conner Prairie Historical Museum, which is usually 9am to 5pm
Sewing class, 6 to 7 pm
Fly fishing on weekends, normally from 9am to noon
Other random stuff


I wish I was a busy person, I really do…
I'm homeschooled so most of my days are just spent lying around doing nothing, which sounds great at first but when you're stuck in one place every single day with no changes, it starts to get really boring…


I have this crazy wish thing
I want to do everything.
Like, I want to literally have experience in everything. From the normal to the weird to the cool to the disgusting to the serious to the funny, I have experience in and can do almost everything. It's weird. I know. I want to be a paramedic while also being a waitress while also being an author. I want to songwrite while teaching and animating. I want to be a sports announcer while also being on the field. You know? I want to know how to eat fire, how to fly fish, how to survive in the wilderness, and how to exorcise a demon. When I say everything I mean everything, so I never turn down the chance to do something new and cool, which is why I am both fishing and visiting a circus today.

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I have this crazy wish thing
I want to do everything.
Like, I want to literally have experience in everything. From the normal to the weird to the cool to the disgusting to the serious to the funny, I have experience in and can do almost everything. It's weird. I know. I want to be a paramedic while also being a waitress while also being an author. I want to songwrite while teaching and animating. I want to be a sports announcer while also being on the field. You know? I want to know how to eat fire, how to fly fish, how to survive in the wilderness, and how to exorcise a demon. When I say everything I mean everything, so I never turn down the chance to do something new and cool, which is why I am both fishing and visiting a circus today.

That’s actually a really cool way to live your life! I wish I was more like that, but every time I think that I’m gonna do something I just end up being too lazy and not doing it…


Same! I want to go see new places, try new things, and experience as many different things as I can, I want to write stories, dance my pathetic little heart out, try all the foods, paint a masterpiece, tame a dragon, fly to Mars- All at the same time.
But, unfortunately, as time passes and each day gets less and less interesting, I've realized I'm not going to be able to see everything, no matter how badly I want to…
Which is why the very moment I get my drivers license, I am going to make up for lost time as much as I can.

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I myself have been working out in the garden for a couple of hours, then I got bored and made a flowercrown out of dandelions. And tonight is Eurovision so I’m gonna watch that, but first I’m gonna play a game of croquet with my family lol cause it’s kinda sunny outside and I am trying to get a tan so that I won’t spend the entire summer being a pale ghost… Everyone else in my school is going on different vacations to sunny and exotic places so they always have a fresh tan…


I've got work today
Tomorrow and Monday I'm not doing much
Tuesday we are going to see a movie at school
And Wednesday I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed so uh I probably wont be on here haha

@Pickles group

Ugh my body's still not entirely used to the weather change going into summer all of my pores are crying you'd think I'd be used to this I've lived here for thirteen years but no my little butt still wants to be in the cold of Wisconsin and it doesn't help that my room is fifty times hotter than everywhere else


I'm just going through that phase when I realize as much as I love horses
They require wearing jeans in the middle of the summer when it feel like 90 out