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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers


Yeah, everyone at my school is fine except for this one eighth grader whose house was struck by lightning. Other than that, everyone here is fine.


I have no idea but like
Nothing happened to us because of it
Our power, water, and heating has been out for like 16 hours though


excuse me for a moment as I make a song using that line XD

My sister is the same way…she once made a song about what my grandpa wanted from Sonic!
"Mustard and cheese-on his number one please!" (I think that's what it was)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Some shrink of heat
some of the snow
we all laugh
for how could they know?
Hoosiers are Troopers.

Marching to the sound
of corn in the field
and the mooing of the cows
we move forward in time
for Hoosiers are Troopers.

Some shrink from the wind
the howling tornados
we sat quietly
enjoying a cool lemonade
for Hoosiers are Troopers.


Try 120-degree heat in Arizona along with humidity and wildfires out near the grand canyon! That was the worst and I didn't say a word. (I was very determined not to complain like my other siblings…kinda was like a competition)