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Started by @Low_Mein

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What’s up my people I am happy because I don’t have school today! We have this thing at my school where we work at home with chores-alike stuff or cut the grass for a neighbour or help someone out or something like that and then we give the money we earned to the school. Our school then sends all the collected money to an orphanage and a school in Awassa that we finance so that the kids there can have lunches in their school and the orphanage can take in streetkids and give them a home. I think it’s a really good thing and since we get a day off to work I like that too haha


I go to what is statistically 'one of the best middle schools in america' (I hate it) and we have NOTHING like that oh my god luckyyyyyyyyyyyy

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We also have this thing called ’the chill week’ that is basicly an entire week with no tests or homework and we do massage and relaxing exercises in class and you can basicly wear anything you want to school so like if you wanna wear a bathrobe or pyjamas to school that is perfectly fine and no one gives a shit.

Oh yeah and the school has a massage stool that you can book a time for


We have to design a country at the end of the year based off of everything we've learned, we have to make a giant poster and map and powerpoint and everything

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Oh and we also have ”reading week” which means that once a year we have a week where we have to read in class at least 1 hour every day and our school library makes a huge thing out of it as well.

And then we have theme days when everyone dresses up according to the theme and then the cafeteria serves food that has to do with the theme and stuff like that. Every class has a theme that they share with some other classes at the school. Last year the school theme was music and we had the genre country so everyone dressed up like cowboys and cowgirls lol

@Pickles group

We don't even have library. We have a media room, which is a bunch of tables and chairs and some Chromebooks. And a few shelves in the very back with not very many books. People call it the library but I refuse


Damn that sounds awesome! The closest things we have are the grade 12's get themed days and there used to be a wake a thon for charity (you stay at the school for all night without sleeping and there are games and activities and stuff) but sadly they don't do it anymore. Then usuallyat some point theres a teacher vs student tournament (last year it was basketball this year it was volley ball) and some random coloured shirt days

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We had that kind of tournament at my previous school! But it was always in a sport called Brännboll which is kind of similar to rounders.

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We don't even have library. We have a media room, which is a bunch of tables and chairs and some Chromebooks. And a few shelves in the very back with not very many books. People call it the library but I refuse

How do you even survive without a library…

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Tomorrow we have a Track n’ Field-day. Meaning that the entire school spends they day practicing different parts of track and field at a sports field. We have a guy in our class (my lovely crush lol) who practices track and field and he is the #1 hurdler in his age category in Stockholm, so we pretty much expect him to win most of the things tomorrow. And we are going to compete in running against the person next to us on the class list, meaning that I (slowest runner in our class) am going to compete against him (fastest runner in our class and one of the fastest 15 y/o in Stockholm) lol wish me luck guys

@Pickles group

Bout to go to spring band awards and we're gonna find out our marching band show for this year. Kinda scared cause I heard something about punk