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Started by @Low_Mein

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Um… I posted another song if you guys wanna hear it…

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Thanks! I had a bit too much free time today (even though I probably should have been working on my story instead since I actually have a deadline for that) so I figured I could take advantage of the piano at grandma’s house and record some stuff… the first one (hate u love u) is me playing, even though it’s pretty simple.

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In case anyone wants some random positivity I had a great day yesterday.

It started with my class having breakfast in school. The school is just next to the water, so we brought breakfast from home and had like a picnic early in the morning out on the cliffs by the water. We ended that class earlier than usual, so one of my best friends and I stayed out by the cliffs and took a walk by the water. I made a flower crown for her (it turned out awesome) and she wore it for the rest of the day just to see if any teachers would tell her to take it off in class. It was great weather, and even though we had a kind of long day in school we spent a lot of time outdoors. We also spent the day planning for a cake competition at school, where we on monday are supposed to (only the ones who want to of course) bake cakes on a space-theme and bring them to school on tuesday. We vote for one cake to go on to the school finals and then we eat the rest of them in class. Me and my friends have won in our class every year that we have been to that school, and last year we got the second place by one vote in the school finals. This year we are planning to win! And today we don’t have any school, so I’m free to do whatever I want lol.

How’s everyone elses day going?

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Lol IHADP sounds like some cool band or something… and it really was a great day!


I also got my shoe signed by my old math teacher
I went up to him and said “mr Miller I know you wouldn’t sign my hand but will you sign my shoe”

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Lol that’s also a way to do things… why your shoe, tho? Why not something else?

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That sounds awesome IHADP! (I didnt feel like typing your whole username haha) Sounds like a great day

You can call me Alex if you want… that’s probably easier to type out lol

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Hey has anyone seen @Spork lately? I feel like Logan just kinda disapeared lol


Agh I feel like garbage right now, theres a lot of wildfires around my city (not close enough for the actual fires to effect us) but the smoke has made it here and out air quality is like level 10 (theres an air quality chart 1 being the best and 10 being the worst)