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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

That sounds so pretty! I usually paint mine a sparkly midnight blue that reminds me of fortune tellers for some reason, and I paint the sun and moon on my thumbs and I love it

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

oh my god that sounds beautiful

It really is, I'll take a pic next time I do it!

Hi, my name is Kai, and I'm new here. (duh) So yeah.

Hi! Nice to meet you! You can call me Swim.

@Pickles group

I have to work a baseball game tonight so I'll have to be on my feet for five hours but at least I'll know how to do everything and the other girl I'm working with (unlike last time aka my first) but I'm not doing anything until then so that's good I guess