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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

@Pickles group

Yes, the males butts are colorful and they have a very, ah, provocative mating dance
Did you know that a lot of male spiders bind their mate with silk during the do so they can get away without being eaten?! And some even lol off the females genitalia to keep them from mating again

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Guys… today in math my teacher asked us to say a thing/a concept that was completely random and could not be predicted (we are working with probability atm) and I was online here and not really paying attention. He asked me and I kinda paniced and said ”the weather in indiana” cause I had been reading some old posts in this chat.

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Well thank you all very much, my good people.

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School ended about half an hour ago, and the teacher didn’t really react to the indiana part of it, he just started talking about how the weather most likely would be alike to the weather the day before and that led to a huge discussion in the class about how we humans affect the climate and environment and how that affect the weather

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Oh! It’s June 11! I honestly can’t wait for summer break…