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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

@Pickles group

Apparently I'm getting one of my wisdom teeth out next Wednesday. It hasn't come in yet but neither has that 12 year old molar or whatever and they think it's because my wisdom tooth messed it up. So if they remove the wisdom tooth the other one should come in. Parently. Not excited

Deleted user

That sucks, dude. you can change your username so that it matches Nore’s XD


I've started the habit of keeping a captain's log on my computer! I film myself for about three minutes on my shaky vintage computer camera and keep it in files.


Eek yikes, it's a long recovery process. Luckily mine didn't hurt as bad as everyone said it would even though I got all 4 out so you should be okay, still sucks though


I've started the habit of keeping a captain's log on my computer! I film myself for about three minutes on my shaky vintage computer camera and keep it in files.

That's so cool! And also a really good idea haha


idk I just thought it would be cool to do it in case anyone ever looks back on it
Like if I die mysteriously and mia's mourning me she can go back and watch them all XD or if police are searching for clues they'll download them
I have no idea I just like doing it


slides in after casually stalking all 35 pages of this thread because it's 1am over here in Indiana and heh sleep isn't happening today :)))))


Honestly I feel pretty invincible after reading all 865 notifications of this thread

@Pickles group

Have you ever done the thing where you're the last one eating and there's a lot of food left so your parents say to put the rest away when you're done and then you eat all the food so you don't have to put it away?