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Started by @Low_Mein

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Like I said, if you're interested in becoming anything supernatural of have interest in it, you can PM me. It's a weird little niche but I'm into it, lol. :)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm just asking cause
A) hill
B) fairy rings (The grass ones
C) a very strange fairy ring that is kinda large and includes a three trunk tree and I get real bad vibes from
D) The street light (ours only) randomly turning off
E) whenever the light turns out, unexplainable terror grips my spine until I make it to the porch, and I feel like something bad is watching me


That sounds like either a very small amount of faeries, (1-2) or perhaps a spirit? I always get this clenching feeling when there's a spirit nearby, and the one in my house keeps knocking over my stuff in the middle of the night and making weird tapping noises on my bookshelf.
If you feel okay while doing so, maybe check out that tree. If you get bad vibes stepping inside the faerie ring to get inside the tree, get out of there as fast as you can.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

If you feel okay while doing so, maybe check out that tree. If you get bad vibes stepping inside the faerie ring to get inside the tree, get out of there as fast as you can.

I've tried. We were picking up sticks in the yard after a back wind storm, and there were several in the ring. I step in, and I had to get out.


I myself don't mess with faeries that I didn't invite. Faeries who don't like you (the majority)…have a bad habit of kidnapping. Plus, time works different in the faerie realms, so, uh, I wouldn't. But by all means, keep that tree alive


I would crunch it up to either faerie music or a ghost complaining. I can always tell if ghosts are there by scattering numerous small things, and telling them to:
Count all the drops of water in the oceans
Count all the blades of grass on earth
Count all the grains of sand on the beaches
That'll usually banish a ghost. If it continues, (particularly, if it's more insistent) then you've got some faeries.


Pastors are good for demons and vamps, maybe faeries? Faeries don't abide by natural laws.
If you throw the stuff into the circle rather than around, especially if its sparkly, they will most likely see it as a gift.


No, it's fine. I asked the same questions myself the first time a spirit just chucked itself into my house's vents.


y'all are wack.

BTW @IHaveADamProblem, that image might be my profile. (That was the exact one i was referencing lol)

Deleted user

Oh okay I didn’t find any profile with that pic tho it was just something I found on google

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I am for some reason listening to old songs from Eurovision… have you guys ever watched that?