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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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Omg there are sooooo many Lsmith on Pinterest I just checked lo, there are at least 30

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It’s Alex Kobbmark… I think my profile pic is like a flower from my garden or something?

Deleted user

There are a lot of Logan Smiths too lol at least 50… this might be hard haha

Deleted user

There seems to be an infinite amount of Logan Smiths…

Deleted user

For some reason no pic shows up when I click that link or whatever it is… It just says ’Image result for clique logo’

Deleted user

Meh. Gym teach basically dismissed class early because I was genuinely exhausted, and now everyone hates me.

Lol I would have loved to be dismissed early from gym


Aight thanks, but i'm on a school computer, and all social platforms (mostly) are blocked…

Yeah that image wouldn't load in for some reason… sorry. Just look up 'Clique logo iphone wallpaper' or something if you care to find my profile idk…

Deleted user

So over here it’s like 10 pm, as I understand it that means it is about 4 pm over where most of you guys live? I have said it before and I will say it again: Time zones are annoying.

Deleted user

Aight thanks, but i'm on a school computer, and all social platforms (mostly) are blocked…

Yeah that image wouldn't load in for some reason… sorry. Just look up 'Clique logo iphone wallpaper' or something if you care to find my profile idk…

I’m on a school ipad, and we can use all other platforms as well… we use them a lot during class, a guy in my class watched Riverdale on Netflix the other day in English class so I asked him to make it full screen so that I could watch as well haha

Deleted user

yo go to bed you needta sleep bud

Sleep is overrated

Deleted user

yo go to bed you needta sleep bud

Sleep is overrated

rlly? cause it keeps you alive….I see your point

How can u be so sure that I’m not a vampire tho?