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Started by @Low_Mein

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Lmao that funny moment when you crawl up in your closet and bawl about how crap life is and cry for hours knowing that i'll never find a partner and that i'll die alone, probably before I turn thirty


Yeah sure…

Nobody at my school likes me in the least. Only some of my fellow male friends ever talk to me. No one laughs when I say something genuinely funny, but my really stupid friend who just cusses and says stupid things make the girls laugh and take a liking to him. My mom always says, "Just be yourself and some people will take a liking to you." but that was a friggin lie… It may happen someday, but I just kinda hate myself

Deleted user

Yeah sure…

Nobody at my school likes me in the least. Only some of my fellow male friends ever talk to me. No one laughs when I say something genuinely funny, but my really stupid friend who just cusses and says stupid things make the girls laugh and take a liking to him. My mom always says, "Just be yourself and some people will take a liking to you." but that was a friggin lie… It may happen someday, but I just kinda hate myself

You have us. We think you are great!

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I'm just doin homework rn and checking up on some notebook discussions. wyd?

Checking notebook and writing on my story. I’m at Pinterest meanwhile and listening to music as usual lol I love multitasking


Nice! Pinterest is pretty cool :)

Thank you for thinking of me… I hope everything is cool and good with you and everyone else in here!

Deleted user

Everything is okay with me at the moment, at least! :) I feel like I probably spend wayyy to much time on Pinterest lol and I definetly have way too many boards… do you have an account?

Deleted user

Multitasking is a great thing sometimes

It sure is…


I do have a pinterest! My name is think is Lsmith or Logan Smith, something of the like. My profile pic I think is like Tyler Joseph (Twenty One Pilots) smiling or something.

Deleted user

I do have a pinterest! My name is think is Lsmith or Logan Smith, something of the like. My profile pic I think is like Tyler Joseph (Twenty One Pilots) smiling or something.

Cool! Imma go follow you on there now…


However I have next to no access to my phone or many electronics, hence my good reputation and great grades, as I cannot hardly distract myself with personal things.


I do have a pinterest! My name is think is Lsmith or Logan Smith, something of the like. My profile pic I think is like Tyler Joseph (Twenty One Pilots) smiling or something.

Cool! Imma go follow you on there now…


Sounds sick