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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

Yeah, does Loops ship Moops? Cause the rest of us sure do…

@Pickles group

Moops is like that ship on tv where they aren't really together yet and we're all just waiting to see what the script writers are gonna do

Deleted user

I'll have to tell her

If you are talking about telling Mia then yes yes yes yes yesyesyes

@Pickles group

Tell her ur ship name too nothing more attractive than 'hey I like u and I told some peeps online and they gave us a ship name it's Moops'

Deleted user

We want an update about how it went as soon as it’s done, okay? I’m not obsessing too much at all

Deleted user

Tell her ur ship name too nothing more attractive than 'hey I like u and I told some peeps online and they gave us a ship name it's Moops'

Hell yeah please do

Deleted user

Well my people I should probably go to bed now it’s past 1 in the night over here and I have freaking school tomorrow… I’ll see you guys later!

Deleted user

And once more I am the only one awake lol
Time zones are annoying