forum Please, allow us to converse...
Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers


My native language is English, and one could say I'm not even fluent in that. I'm supposed to learn Spanish next year, but that's it.

Deleted user

I am fluent in Swedish and almost fluent in English… in Sweden, we take English classes from that we are 9 years old. If anyone here isn’t from an english speaking country, when did you start learning english? We also get to choose a third language in which I chose German which I have been learning for 2 years now… I understand most German and I can speak a bit more than the basics… I think I would be able to converse like normal in German but I have never tried….

Deleted user

I really hope things go well for you with that girl you wrote about in the other chat! I love talking to people about their crushes and stuff lol


That sounds pretty cool! Where I am in Canada we don't have very many opportunities to learn a new language. It was just French classes where no one really learned anything and that's it.

Deleted user

That sounds pretty cool! Where I am in Canada we don't have very many opportunities to learn a new language. It was just French classes where no one really learned anything and that's it.

Oh, that’s too bad…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm a native English speaker who is teaching herself Japanese. All of my cousins on my mom's side took it in school, but mine doesn't offer it and the age gap between me and my cousins is HUGE.


I really hope things go well for you with that girl you wrote about in the other chat! I love talking to people about their crushes and stuff lol

Oh you do, huh?
ready for a rant

Deleted user

I really hope things go well for you with that girl you wrote about in the other chat! I love talking to people about their crushes and stuff lol

Oh you do, huh?
ready for a rant

Bring it on

Deleted user

Also (I’m just gonna complain a bit over here, feel free to ignore me if you want to) it sucks not being able not fully write in English since whenever I wanna share some of my writing here on the forum I first have to translate the entire thing and even if I do it doesn’t sound by half as good as it does in Swedish…


Mia I swear to god bugq3wrwctfbo3wrgbtrqfel
She always comes up and hugs me and facetimes me all the gosh dang time and she bought me a little pan flag when she and kaiya were downtown and she always supports me and makes sure i don't do something stupid or get in trouble and nfbrncgqp9h

Deleted user

I tried, I didn’t find anyone… I found one who speaks only a bit Swedish (who is by the way coming over to Sweden as an exchange student next year) but that’s about it… and I think the biggest problem is that translating it just doesn’t sound as good… it sounds so much better if it is originaly written in English


Mia I swear to god bugq3wrwctfbo3wrgbtrqfel
She always comes up and hugs me and facetimes me all the gosh dang time and she bought me a little pan flag when she and kaiya were downtown and she always supports me and makes sure i don't do something stupid or get in trouble and nfbrncgqp9h

Oh my goodness that's so cute

Deleted user

Mia I swear to god bugq3wrwctfbo3wrgbtrqfel
She always comes up and hugs me and facetimes me all the gosh dang time and she bought me a little pan flag when she and kaiya were downtown and she always supports me and makes sure i don't do something stupid or get in trouble and nfbrncgqp9h

That honestly sound so freaking great, I really hope you two get together soon! I kinda wanna make a shipname for the two of you lol but I don’t know your real name but maybe… Moops? Loopia? Idk lol


I tried, I didn’t find anyone… I found one who speaks only a bit Swedish (who is by the way coming over to Sweden as an exchange student next year) but that’s about it… and I think the biggest problem is that translating it just doesn’t sound as good… it sounds so much better if it is originaly written in English

That sounds painful