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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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do y'all think this will Hook my readers into wanting to read more of this essay on climate change

Umm all I see from that link is some stuff in like spanish so I have no idea haha

"we are all going to die."

Well that’s hella dramatic at least

it's about climate change

Sure, it could hook them


do y'all think this will Hook my readers into wanting to read more of this essay on climate change

Umm all I see from that link is some stuff in like spanish so I have no idea haha

"we are all going to die."

Well that’s hella dramatic at least

it's about climate change

Sure, it could hook them



Yeah… as if a female would ever care for me lmao

I'm pretty sure i'm the most repulsive person I know

Nah I'm sure you're not, you seem great!


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I’m bored in school rn we have a super boring class about WW1 with a strict substitute… anyone here?

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My thoughts exactly

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I'm already home from school so I can obsess and fangirl as much as I want without any stupid classes disturbing lol

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I found this on Pinterest and I would say it’s pretty accurate