forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And that's even worse…. and weird…. I mean… my dad tends to get me choclate or let me have more sweet things when he knows i'm on shark week….
its just the fact that it's literally only us two that makes it unnecessarily weird on my end….


In two weeks we will officially have been in quarantine for longer then my summer vacation. I have not been away from a school building for this long sense I was 4. Let that sink in. How messed up is our school system that being away from a school building for more then 6 weeks is a big deal. I rest my case, School system is Wack. It needs to burn and rise from the ashes like a glorious Phoenix, A better system. One that considers a students mental and physical well being. One the wishes only to teach students and not mindlessly funnel them into Colleges.
If This lock down teaches us anything let it teach the world that a majority of jobs we value the most, that are considered essential, are those that do not require collage education. People who work in grocery stores and food service, People who work the mail system, Transportation, EMT's, Farm Workers, none of that requires anything over a high school diploma if that. Yet when everything else is shut down these are the people we consider essential . So why do we believe the lie that in order to be something in society we must sell our sanity, souls, and first born child to Colleges. College is not essential, and it is not affordable. Also why on earth are the essential people paid the least? It's ridiculous, The people at your local grocery story are getting payed minimum wage to keep stores up and running during a pandemic. That's Wrong.
Rant over.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And this is why I tell literally everyone that I don't plan on college.
My mom runs a freelance business online. A successful one.
I plan on doing the same thing, actually what I really wanna do is get good at graphic design and design book covers as a side to my writing.

@saor_illust school

quick update
i am feeling absolutely terrible today
in terms of mental health
so ive got a rant
fdakljfdkjldsfaklj okay i get that you're prolly gonna need some help too 'n all
and yes i still see you as a friend
but like,,,
even tho i said ya could ping me if ya needed me
asking me 'are you on?' is not needing me
its saying
'i just wanna talk'
and yes i got on discord to check something
but that does not mean that you can just,,,
ping me for something completely opposite of what i meant
that just,,,
i think the only areas im gonna be on nb today
are gonna be venting space
and pms

@saor_illust school

yeah, that's fine…
and i wouldn't call today exactly a good morning for me, but yknow
it probably is for you
anyways, im probably gonna go back to being depressed and disappearing for a couple of hours again…
gbye yall


yeah, that's fine…
and i wouldn't call today exactly a good morning for me, but yknow
it probably is for you
anyways, im probably gonna go back to being depressed and disappearing for a couple of hours again…
gbye yall

big hugs


yeah, that's fine…
and i wouldn't call today exactly a good morning for me, but yknow
it probably is for you
anyways, im probably gonna go back to being depressed and disappearing for a couple of hours again…
gbye yall

I'm sorry you're feeling down :(
It's aight to be depressed and to disappear, just remember to drink water and get something to eat if you can. Do your best to relax and if you feel up to it, try to do something you enjoy to lift your spirits

Deleted user

Morning those who wake, I am dying due to the amount of work I have.
I'm not even going to try with my maths class at this point-

@saor_illust school

oh my god- you guys-
i don't even know why you all put up with me
im legit crying
yall are so sweet

aight im actually gonna disappear again
im finally starting to realise that maybe being on discord isnt so great for my mental health after all…


Morning those who wake, I am dying due to the amount of work I have.
I'm not even going to try with my maths class at this point-

Is there a chance your schools grading policy has changed? A lot of schools are making it easier to pass because if the pandemic. You should check with your school, on their website or something. It might alleviate the stress to know the new standards :)

Deleted user

oh my god- you guys-
i don't even know why you all put up with me
im legit crying
yall are so sweet

aight im actually gonna disappear again
im finally starting to realise that maybe being on discord isnt so great for my mental health after all…

You good.
I can always remember you which is a pretty big thing because my memory is very bad.
You're warm cookie feels.


I need an opinion

So I feel bad doing this because I don't want to like,,,, be faking anything or whatever, but I've been having weird spells where I feel younger than I should, and I feel like I'm behave like a kid and even my voice comes out at a higher pitch and idk this is probably normal but, yeah I wasn't sure so,, yeah