forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

My brain is being very unsexy
It won't work, which is severely unsexy

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

We are not all bad, however the ability to use words to weasel our way into a more favorable position is an ability that many Slytherins I have met are graced with. So while it is not a trait specifically listed I've found that it is a trait shared by many of us. It's an ambitious thing to learn, do not underestimate the power of a silver tongue. Being able to talk your way into a more advantageous position is a defining trait of us Slytherins I think. There are precious few words used to describe our house and it's traits as it was clearly the least favorite of the author.

I honestly think that the majority of Slytherins in the book weren't good examples of a Slytherin because of their lack of people abilities. If you're trying to gain power the stupidest thing you can do is be cruel, sure you can think those things even say them behind closed doors but openly being mean, that's just stupid. I never really understood how JKR could make a house of ambitious people who activity attempt to gain power and made them the most disliked people in the entire school. No one who is actually ambitious would act the way Slytherins do in the books. All well, I loved them anyway.

Oh my gosh, @Relsey, I like you so much. You have such an eloquence in your speech.

@Pickles group

i'm scared of just about everyone here with the exception of one, singular user

Who is it? I could see it being me, but it's perfectly valid it it's not ngl.

I was thinking you as well

Deleted user

why does everyone avoid me when I'm tired lmao

I don't.

I do and I do not

@HighPockets group

cracks knuckles
No one can protect you for long :)

Cracks toes

Cracks neck
Yours or my own, who knows?

Hey kids wanna buy a chiropractor?

I've got one, but sometimes I crack it myself.

Deleted user

cracks knuckles
No one can protect you for long :)

Cracks toes

Cracks neck
Yours or my own, who knows?

Hey kids wanna buy a chiropractor?

I've got one, but sometimes I crack it myself.

I need one :)
My bones hurt, the ache to be free of the flesh prison

Deleted user

I'm only scared of one person here.
And even then, it's not really fear.
Just… A feeling.

@Pickles group

I'm only scared of one person here.
And even then, it's not really fear.
Just… A feeling.

Some of the people here, I have to be in a certain mood to deal with. And sometimes I get in a… funk and I can't stand anyone but Ella because Ella is baby and I love her all the time

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My teacher: … Plays a critical role in…

I'm late, But I appreciate this so much.

Not a hardcore player by any means. But agreed.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I can finally have pizza rolls again!!! I gave them up for lent (I'm definitely not catholic, but my best friend gave up soda and I didn't want her to be alone) anD MY MOUTH IS HAPPY NOW

Good for you! But like, honestly that is such a great thing to do as friendship.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

cracks knuckles
No one can protect you for long :)

Cracks toes

Cracks neck
Yours or my own, who knows?

Hey kids wanna buy a chiropractor?

I've got one, but sometimes I crack it myself.

I need one :)
My bones hurt, the ache to be free of the flesh prison

I can crack myself pretty decently. And my second dad knows how to so sometimes I ask him. But I would help you if I could. But lower spine.

Deleted user

cracks knuckles
No one can protect you for long :)

Cracks toes

Cracks neck
Yours or my own, who knows?

Hey kids wanna buy a chiropractor?

I've got one, but sometimes I crack it myself.

I need one :)
My bones hurt, the ache to be free of the flesh prison

I can crack myself pretty decently. And my second dad knows how to so sometimes I ask him. But I would help you if I could. But lower spine.

Josh and Mikayla's dad?