forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

GUYS!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!
So my horn teacher is very close to my band directors, yeah? And she asked where they placed the horns for next year
Along with the best horn player in the school, girl that reminds me I'm gay, straight girl that reminds me I'm gay, and Big Sis™

Deleted user

Okay, I'm making a spell bottle.

What's a spell bottle?

witch stuff
Basically a combination of things to do things
Usually protection
but could be for love, luck… etc.


is it too late to back out of a commission after making someone wait for like a month
there's no way i can draw this without her looking…
would it be rude to ask for a different reference?
i can't


i'm supposed to be drawing a picture of this random lady's child, and well…
no offense whatsoever to the mother or the poor daughter, but this reference picture looks like one of those your grandma takes suddenly while you're playing video games in your friend's basement
the girl is sitting on a slightly messy sofa all slouched over, her hair is seemingly wet, and she has that confused fake smile on her face.
not only that but the composition is awful, like she's placed off center but not near rule of thirds so everything looks wonky, and it's cropped in such a way that just…
i don't know how else to say it
It makes her look fat.
You can tell she's very pretty, but this specific photo ain't it, and no matter how hard i try i just can't reduce the amount of awkward while still keeping it the same.
and while normally i'd just go with it, this lady wants to frame and hang the finished sketch in her house for everyone to see, so it's not just gonna be smiled at then shoved in a drawer, meaning i've got to be extra critical of it to make sure everything looks right but i can't make everything look right cause the photo doesn't look right-

am i terrible for saying this???
cause i feel really terrible…
do i try to ask her for a different one? should i just suck it up and go with it? what do i even do in this situation??? cause she's been waiting a really long time and i feel like asking her now would be rude


but i can't ask her directly so i'd have to ask my mom to ask her and i can just hear the "oh it's not that bad", "you're overreacting", "just do it", or "stop making up excuses"

Deleted user

Show your mom the picture and be like, "look"


Deleted user

I made a spell jar heeheeeeeeeeeeeeeee
And a sigil wheel

Deleted user

Me: Don't put frickin paranormal references in your writing Miriam

Also Me: say that Mr. Gordy went to school there

Deleted user

So I just shocked myself and now my finger is smoking and bleeding lmao