forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

a l l h a i l t h e g o l d e n p o t a t o

w h e r e i s t h e p o t a t o ? I w a n t t o s e e t h e p o t a t o .

Deleted user

I charged my babies and some water under that beauty <3333


that’s what i’ve been telling her since the day she was born

…mom says i should stop cause it’s kind of getting to her head, but is she really being vain if it’s true?

Deleted user

one of the weirdest things about being mentally ill is that you're kind of forever in recovery

and that's so strange sometimes

I'll be doing fine

And then like

Just now, I spilled some of my pills, right?

So I kind of swooped them off the kitchen counter into my hand

And suddenly, I'm frozen and my brain is telling me to take them all

And for five minutes I must have been physically unable to move while I debated what to do next

The only thing that brought me back was my cat brushing up against my leg.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

I'm going to lose it at this teacher…
I like English, I do, but this is the worst way it has EVER been taught to me. Not just cuz online learning, it's been like this the whole semester. My teacher makes my life miserable. She's making us discuss in groups and do group projects, but never rotated the times, so I'm stuck having to get up at the ass crack of dawn every day and ready to discuss To Kill a Mockingbird. This lady drives me up the wall… I get that we still have to learn, but 11 chapters of dense literature in a week is fucking ridiculous.

@HighPockets group

I'd love to actually do English work but instead we're doing some stupid 'read one hour and write a reading log' :/
Gotta love how that's the assignment I'm getting for my sophomore year of English. I'm still very very angry I wasn't allowed to test out