forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

oki cool.

but yeah,,, your mate hates me :)

and i want to but i would be emailing my psychiatrist who i haven't told i want to be admitted yet.
my therapist knows and my parents definitely dont know-

Deleted user

… or is he always just that dismissive ? idk he just seems like he doesn't like talking to me so i dont try anymore ??

i know… i'm going to try aha.

@saor_illust school

eh, kinda-
you kinda get used to it

and okay good-
proud of you nia
i'm glad you're trying your very best to get the help that we can't provide

Deleted user


so, what i said before about my bf.


keep forgetting he's in this chat

I'm literally gonna get stabbed by venus for saying all that oh fuck I'm scared-

@saor_illust school

hey nia- it's okay-
well maybe not entirely okay
but it's you voicing your feelings
you should be allowed to do that
and you are!
so if he tries to blame you for anything
i will actually fite him
but as i have said before
i am still choosing to remain neutral

Deleted user

luna will probably slap me too- mathies will scould me lillian will… i dont know… probably get distracted by a butterfly. fuck-

Deleted user

i just dont want them to yell at me behind closed doors. cause the first thing i do when i wake up is check notebook and the messaging site i use to talk to them because you guys are the people i care about-

@saor_illust school

which reminds me
i wanted to tell everyone here
and still do

i love each and every one of you very very much. I would most definitely, and without thought sacrifice myself for anyone, if necessary. (But please don't make me choose who to sacrifice myself for.) and i will fite anyone who dares to make someone here sad. or mad. or upset. or whatever. or a mood that isn't happy. Also, you guys better not die. and so i can write them down and remember them later, what are you guy's birthday's?

Deleted user

don’t bother writing mine down for i’m not making it to til then-

@saor_illust school

nia please-
you can do this
i know you can
you're so strong
and you've made it so far already
i know,
you've tried so hard
and it might seem that nothing is coming of it
but you can do this

…on another note, that's completely unrelated to this matter, i feel like falling asleep and never waking up again
i don't know why-