forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

I love paranormal stuff but it really got me looking at old people like

Deleted user

D o n ' t
I know the temptation.

I wanna wear cool earingsssssss, wanna make some earings out of bones
But I also wanna stab something


Don’t pierce your ears with a needle. It could get infected and you might not ever get to wear cool earrings.
Just wait until you can get them pierced by a professional.
I did.

Deleted user

My future probably nonexistant children: I hAvE aN iMaGiNaRy fRiEnD
Me: We're moving.

Deleted user

yeah sex is great but have you ever been triggered into a 20 minute dissociation by a song

Deleted user

okay so i disappeared for a night bc of Animal Crossing Crack Addiction, and now I’m confused, what happened last night?

@Anemone eco

All I remember was having the shit scared out of me because I'm a fucking baby but almost everyone else was asleep by then.

Deleted user

All I remember was having the shit scared out of me because I'm a fucking baby but almost everyone else was asleep by then.

Me. What happened?